Gather Team A vs Gather Team B (720 views)

Team Turki pl
Team hazz fi
pl Turki
il vikM
bh weed
fi hazz
cz semik
de crs
07.08.21 16:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth FaridBang 56 kills
Killing Spree V I K :) 6 frags without being killed
Accountant inv.Turki:D 100% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! FaridBang 19 gibs
...and stay dead! FaridBang 34% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning FaridBang 44 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! inv.Turki:D 5 SPAM kills
Fragstealer FaridBang 174 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! hazz 216 damage per frag
What objective? inv.Turki:D 268 XP
Red Shirt V I K :) 62 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? inv.Turki:D 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore weed 173 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut inv.Turki:D 2 team kills
Gingerbread man hazz 10 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
V I K :)6123338623013798388201390/01/229/411/321014264
V I K :)7968613016524031525390258775230/02/293/417/319515856
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
V I K :)56691730301138494209870/00/19/141/0DDDDKDDTDDKDKKKDDKKKDK/DXD
V I K :)8521259721002212153118771610/00/326/314/3
Player Summary for erdenberg_t1
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
V I K :)52971121000025592981520/01/010/190/3DDKDKDDDDKDKDDDKDDDXKDKDDKDDKDDKK
V I K :)6027338639017790592691640/02/037/510/6

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
V I K :)9067101100021575163000/00/110/80/0DKD/KKKKKKDDKKDDDDKD/
V I K :)10920133305006533247311980/00/130/213/2

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
:yes: [Warmup]: :DD
[Countdown]: :yes: connected
[Countdown]: SKIP,
[Countdown]: Players auto-banned last week:
:yes: [7:26]: jaa hazziki pelaamas
smoothbrain [7:18]: kyllä kyllä ihme kyllä
:yes: [7:09]: mikä tää sen pingi on :D
smoothbrain [6:51]: en tiiä, sil vissii kiertää liikenne jostain perseest jostai syyst :D
:yes: [6:45]: ai
smoothbrain [6:39]: tai sit se o jenkkie itärannikol
smoothbrain [6:35]: jompikumpi
:yes: [6:32]: illalla polakkei vastaan?
:yes: [6:26]: jos ettivät taas pelii?
smoothbrain [6:20]: vois ehkä pitää kattoo
smoothbrain [6:17]: kai sitä vois
:yes: [6:11]: h2o tulee kantaa meidät, eiks je
smoothbrain [6:07]: join kahvii liia myöhää ni särkee päätä eikä se menny kahvil ohi :D
:yes: [5:58]: juo toinen kupponen
smoothbrain [5:55]: join 3
:yes: [5:53]: ai :D
smoothbrain [5:52]: en juo ku aamukahvit
:yes: [5:48]: olutta sit
smoothbrain [5:46]: oon vähentäny kahvinarkkausta
:yes: [5:40]: itelki pitäs
smoothbrain [5:39]: ei oo eikä raaski käydä hakee
smoothbrain [5:28]: joskus kyl joku 3-4x päivää 2-3 kuppii
smoothbrain [5:27]: :D
smoothbrain [5:21]: tai enemmi riippuu
:yes: [5:20]: oi kauhea
smoothbrain [5:15]: onneks ei enää ":D"
:yes: [5:07]: itel menee 3 kuppii aamul ja sit 2x1 loppupäivän
:yes: [5:05]: noin yleensä
smoothbrain [5:04]: kauheeta narkkaamista toi kofeiinin litkimine
:yes: [5:01]: on
smoothbrain [4:53]: joo luovuin ei aamukahveist melkee kokonaa
smoothbrain [4:47]: aamu+maholline sosiaaline kahvittelu :D
:yes: [4:46]: aika hyvin
smoothbrain [4:34]: olin hetken kokonaa ilma välis en muita miks
:yes: [4:27]: en kyl tiiä miten kukaa pystyy olee ilman aamukahvei
:yes: [4:25]: aivan mahotonta
smoothbrain [4:18]: no joo se on kyl
smoothbrain [3:54]: kai kyyläät petroo vaa :D
:yes: [3:49]: hazzii
:yes: [3:21]: petro se ei suostu tulee 1v1 :/
smoothbrain [3:16]: :D
smoothbrain [3:03]: en ihmettele
smoothbrain [2:54]: jos ei oo koskaa niit pelannu ni aika tuskaa alottaa
:yes: [2:48]: no mut
:yes: [2:46]: toi uus mappi
smoothbrain [2:42]: :D
:yes: [2:40]: ei oo mikää valhalla
:yes: [2:34]: jos pitää ehtii siihen vitun kulmaan
smoothbrain [2:30]: :D
smoothbrain [2:24]: joo
smoothbrain [2:15]: itseasias yllättävän hyvän tuntune
hazz [2:15]: :yes:
smoothbrain [2:14]: emt
:yes: [2:05]: se on aika jees
smoothbrain [1:55]: se keskimatka oli joteki kiva
smoothbrain [1:52]: ku allu startil sai vaihteluu
:yes: [1:46]: jep
:yes: [1:40]: ja kuitenki kohtuu balanssis
hazz [1:36]: :D
smoothbrain [1:36]: paljo enemmi variaatioo ku yleensä
smoothbrain [1:33]: joo sillee
:yes: [1:32]: juu
smoothbrain [1:24]: ja sit täytsin balanssis ku kumpiki pelaa molemmat puolet
:yes: [1:23]: kysy momilt noi
:yes: [1:19]: sourcet tohon
:yes: [1:14]: ja muokkaillaan
smoothbrain [1:04]: en jaksa varmaa alkaa :D
:yes: [0:49]: eikait se iso homma ole
smoothbrain [0:49]: mut sinne keskelle kyl jotain pient pystys lisää
smoothbrain [0:45]: tyylii laatikoita tai jotai
[0:41]: The Tank has been repaired!
:yes: [0:39]: jos vähä siirtelee seiniä yms
[0:38]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
smoothbrain [0:37]: tai sit vaa pitää avoimen
FaridBang [0:32]: Xd
:yes: [0:26]: niin no tekee lisää arenoita
smoothbrain [0:24]: miksette pitäny tankkiholdii
smoothbrain [0:23]:
:yes: [0:16]: kyl kai niitä mahtuu
V I K :) [0:07]: :)
smoothbrain [0:05]: tekee siirtyvii esteit mitä hallitaa päätyseinis olevii nappei ampumalla ":D"
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (7:40)
:yes: [Intermission]: hirvee työ siinä kyl, jotai movereita alkaa säätää :DD
[Intermission]: SKIP,
[Intermission]: Players auto-banned last week:
smoothbrain [Countdown]: enneku kuolee nälkää ":D"
[Countdown]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
smoothbrain [Countdown]: söin kyl keksei aamukahvin kans ":D"
:yes: [Countdown]: ite tarvii kahvet kans
[Countdown]: SKIP,
[Countdown]: Players auto-banned last week:
:yes: [11:58]: jo huhhuh
smoothbrain [11:31]: onneks noi hoitaa ku petro respaa taakse ":D"
[11:10]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[11:07]: The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker!
inv.Turki:D [11:06]: :(:(:(
[9:23]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:22]: The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker!
[9:20]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:00]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:24]: Main Gate has been destroyed!
[7:28]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[6:56]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[6:35]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[6:30]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[2:36]: The West Flak88 has been destroyed!
:yes: [1:44]: kylläpä on vaikeata löytää oikee korkeus tuolissa
V I K :) [1:36]: :)
V I K :) [1:35]: :)
V I K :) [1:35]: :)
hazz [1:30]: ?? rly :D
V I K :) [1:22]: lol
[1:15]: Axis team has destroyed the Allied Command Post!
[0:31]: The East Flak88 has been destroyed!
[0:30]: Both Flak88 guns have been destroyed!
PanWody [0:30]: syön ramenia
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:30
inv.Turki:D [Intermission]: CLOWN FIESTA
:yes: [Intermission]: hyi
inv.Turki:D [Intermission]: :DDDDDDDDDDDD
[Intermission]: Players auto-banned last week:
[Intermission]: SKIP,
[Countdown]: SKIP,
[Countdown]: Players auto-banned last week:
[10:37]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:16]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
smoothbrain [10:13]: viisaudenhammas vittuilee
smoothbrain [10:08]: tuutko irrottamaan sen?
:yes: [10:04]: juu
:yes: [10:02]: maksa taksi
:yes: [9:58]: niin tulen
[9:53]: Main Gate has been destroyed!
smoothbrain [9:52]: joo satku tilil riittääkse
:yes: [9:48]: ei :D
smoothbrain [9:40]: tuu pyöräl si
:yes: [9:34]: paljo sinne on matkaa
:yes: [9:32]: joku
:yes: [9:29]: 800km?
smoothbrain [9:29]: emt paljo sinne on
smoothbrain [9:24]: eiku nii olit joo sielt
smoothbrain [9:18]: joku 500-600 muistaaksee :D
smoothbrain [9:17]: ehkä
:yes: [9:14]: se kait on melkein kauempana ku stadi
smoothbrain [9:10]: on
smoothbrain [9:08]: vähä
smoothbrain [9:04]: ku oon iha kaakos kulmas
smoothbrain [8:49]: parikytkilsaa ryssä rajan ylityspaikal :D
:yes: [8:33]: onks siel ryssii kui paljo?
smoothbrain [8:25]: nyt vähemmi koronan ansiost
smoothbrain [8:21]: jotai hyvää siinki ":D"
:yes: [8:11]: itekki asuin kuusamos 13 vuotta
:yes: [8:04]: meni hermot niihin :_D
[8:00]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
smoothbrain [7:59]: mut normaalist sillee et tos imatralla asuessa kävin kaupassa tyylii just enneku menee kii
smoothbrain [7:56]: tai just ku auennu
[7:56]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
smoothbrain [7:54]: ettei oo ryssii :D
:yes: [7:50]: aaa :D
PanWody [7:40]: racists
smoothbrain [7:38]: nono
:yes: [7:38]: tuskin ne kaikki perseestä on
smoothbrain [7:30]: eine
:yes: [7:27]: rikkailla snobeilla vaan rahaa tulla lomailee suomeen
PanWody [7:25]: mut oon ihan samaa mieltä
smoothbrain [7:21]: mut kauppaturistit tuppaa olee vähän ylimielisii
:yes: [7:18]: jep
:yes: [7:06]: rukalla rinteet täynnä niit
smoothbrain [7:05]: tyylii 4v jo kävelee kaupassa päi väistämättä ollenkaa :DD
:yes: [6:56]: ohitelee jonois ja laskee päälle yms
:yes: [6:52]: vittumaista : D
smoothbrain [6:47]: I dont hate all the russians just dislike the retard cunt ones ))
[6:28]: The West Flak88 has been destroyed!
smoothbrain [6:18]: pitäskö tehä nistipataa
:yes: [6:13]: eli?
smoothbrain [6:09]: ??
:yes: [6:01]: en mä tiedä mitä on nistipata :DD
smoothbrain [5:56]: mitä helvettiä :D
smoothbrain [5:52]: millane suomalaine se sinä oikee olet
smoothbrain [5:50]: makaroonimössö?
:yes: [5:47]: aaa
:yes: [5:41]: mä oon pohjoisesta perkele
smoothbrain [5:38]: nistipata ehkä toisiks yleine nimi tol kai
:yes: [5:36]: meillä puhutaan suoraan
[5:34]: The East Flak88 has been destroyed!
[5:33]: Both Flak88 guns have been destroyed!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:57 (original: 11:30)
smoothbrain [Intermission]: kyl sielki sanotaa nistipadaks :D
[Intermission]: weed disconnected
[Intermission]: FaridBang disconnected
smk:> [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: hazz disconnected
[Intermission]: inv.Turki:D disconnected
:yes: [Intermission]: voipi olla
[Intermission]: PanWody disconnected
[Intermission]: Players auto-banned last week:
[Intermission]: SKIP,

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.