Gambling Stats

pl Sov3rs's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 76 Total Set Money 5271 €
Winning Percentage 59 % Losing Percentage 41 %
Total Money 186.31 € Total Capital 186.31 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 [ 4 ]
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 06.02.08 21:00 multipleGaming Plasa de 3.94 vs. 1.34 be cZar-Gaming 8 € on de mG.plasa Lost
q3 04.02.08 21:30 Germany de 1.64 vs. 2.55 be Belgium 4 € on de GER Lost
et 04.02.08 21:00 Underground Gaming be 1.11 vs. 10.04 gb 13th* Clan 70 € on be uGaming Won 78€
et 03.02.08 23:00 Italy it 1.25 vs. 5.06 cl Chile 30 € on it ITA Won 38€
et 03.02.08 21:00 Slovenia si 5.39 vs. 1.23 se Sweden 2 € on si SLO Bet was cancelled
et 03.02.08 21:00 team32 pl 1.63 vs. 2.59 de ET-Cologne 4 € on pl team32 Won 7€
et 03.02.08 18:30 re-play eu 1.04 vs. 24.54 ee 35 € on eu re-play Won 36€
et 03.02.08 14:00 Sixdope jp 1.98 vs. 2.02 kr Vorwarts! 15 € on kr Vorwarts Lost
et 02.02.08 21:00 eXert pl 1.73 vs. 2.37 ee Punk'd 10 € on ee punk'd Lost
sc 02.02.08 21:00 Betsson Voodoo Gaming pl 1.51 vs. 2.97 pt Excello 25 € on pl BVG Bet was cancelled
et 02.02.08 21:00 infinity-skills H4X hu 3.01 vs. 1.50 eu Gamedivision 15 € on hu infi Won 45€
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