Team - Zodiacx vs Synergy (8673 views)

de mAurice
de Daenji
de PreZ
de Techniker
de Butzi
de predi
gb Artstar
hu seNti
pl numeric
br abs1
se NuggaN
fr spltH

ESL 6on6 Winter League 2011 - Division 2
Group C - Week 2
17.01.12 21:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 127 kills
Killing Spree Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 7 frags without being killed
Accountant Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 118% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! Tkr + zodiacx 32 gibs
...and stay dead! Tkr + zodiacx 37% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 123 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! Syn3ergy.NBS seNti 46 SPAM kills
Fragstealer Syn3ergy.NBS seNti 143 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! predinhoo + zodiacx 246 damage per frag
What objective? Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 827 XP
Red Shirt mAurice + zodiacx 149 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? mAurice + zodiacx 21 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore Syn3rgy.NBS NgN 196 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut BUTZiii + zodiacx 7 team kills
Gingerbread man Syn3rgy.NBS numeric 39 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx596516911712072613123187825020/02/967/666/1519016146
predinhoo + zodiacx645768813820033319096221266360/02/882/837/17217160312
zodiacx + PreZ936619910722032818676187565250/08/790/584/1418917545
Tkr + zodiacx775188611032143614922130578730/031/918/5239/1517411849
Daenji + zodiacx736099012222132616149176955960/05/1681/8612/1517914447
mAurice + zodiacx605349014923143517638175599230/00/975/10422/33196117421
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR815929111319043119193170806310/010/473/7112/1321115158
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi8562811513429233721473179414610/05/1088/7017/1618713269
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1605157312110033714625154724610/06/868/622/1720012849
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti704379112315752613110139778620/030/1018/5946/2114410835
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN11882712710821021922183205032890/05/8123/681/1417519076
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric705949413111353918923183563710/05/1175/7930/8201137510
rgy.NBS 803593591730105122218910950710332930750/061/11445/79108/818614158
Player Summary for missile_b3
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx6611816242026338337801420/01/314/142/2DTK/DDKD/DDKXKKDDK/K/KKDDK/DDKDKKK/DDKDDTDK
predinhoo + zodiacx5812514243018412036891360/00/215/130/2K/D/KDKDKDK/KDDDDT//DDKDKK/KDD/DK/KXDKKD
zodiacx + PreZ12116428236019496341441960/03/424/82/3KKDKK/KKKK/KD//KK/DDKK//KK/DKDD/DKDKDKDDDKKTKDKKXKKKK
Tkr + zodiacx9087202211015333722641300/07/30/1213/3KKXDD/KDKKK/KDKKDKDKK/DKDKD/KTDDK/DKDKDDKDKD
Daenji + zodiacx103159302950015507438981300/01/526/73/3KD/DKDKK/K/K/K/KK/KDKD/KDKKDKK/KDDKKDKK/D/X/DKK/DKD/KK//KKKK
mAurice + zodiacx81145313870110606339792480/00/021/208/9KDKDK/K/KD/K/KDDK/KDKKDT/DDKXKDKKKK/KDKDKDKKDKDDKK/DDDKK/DDDDDDDKDKKD/K
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR4810014296014324142311710/03/010/212/4DDDDD/DDKDKDDK/DDKKDDDKKDD/TDKDKDK/DDKKKDDKD
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi6112219317018381752511300/02/115/153/6DTDDK/KDK//KDKDDD/KK/KDDKDKDDDKDKDDD/KKK/DKK/DKKDDD
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1611191626201437364553730/03/414/150/5DKKDKKD/XDKDDDKKDDK/D/DDDDTKXKKKDKKD/DDDKKDDD
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti807221262124230227521660/06/20/1217/5KK/DKDKDTK/DKSDDDKKDDDKDDKKDKKKDTK/DKKDKKDD/DKKDD
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric531431426210439744863540/02/212/190/2XDDDDDDDD/KDKDDK/DSDK/DKKXKDKDKKDK/KDDKDKD
rgy.NBS 6472710716622252521754269406840/017/1273/9922/28

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx5010581620051263263600/00/27/81/1D//KK/DDDK/KKDKKDDDDKD/D
predinhoo + zodiacx277462210032868347600/01/35/140/1/K/DDDDDDDD/DDKDKDDKDDDDDKKD
zodiacx + PreZ6660101550032314263200/01/09/90/3D/DKKDKK/KDDDKKDK/KDDDDKD
Tkr + zodiacx807812156001017491570440/05/10/47/0KKKK//K//K/KK/KDD/DDDKK///K
Daenji + zodiacx788715195102225529441260/01/213/121/2DDKK/DKKKDDDKDKKKDKKDDD/KDKDKDDDKS
mAurice + zodiacx377911290003272830301080/00/411/190/2DKKDDDDDK/DDD/DKDKDDDKDDKDDKKD/DDDDDDDKK
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR818613162016315726002510/02/19/73/2/KKDKDKKK/KDDTDDDDDKK/K/KKK//D
Syn3rgy.NBS abs14154717301820672090360/00/08/70/2DDDD/TKD/KD/KKD/KK/K/D//D
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti733811152117129610161400/07/10/53/2D//D/KKKDKKXKSDKD/T/DKKK/K/D
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN1301191713400432742808180/02/115/70/3DDKD/K/KDDKKK/KDKKDDKXKK/KKXKKKD
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric83711518201622292624450/00/315/91/1KDKKDK/KKKD/KXD/DDD/KKDDKDKK/DTK/KD
rgy.NBS 90470899916243516288131774900/012/867/4612/12
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx3096723302317683764360/00/09/170/3DTDTDXDKKK/DK//KDDDDDDKDDDDDDKDDD
predinhoo + zodiacx638919304015314347431050/00/219/211/2DKKDDKKD/D/KD/DDTKDKDKDKXDK/KDDDKDKKDDDDKKDDKX/KDKDD
zodiacx + PreZ649811171001258836601700/00/111/140/0/DDKKKXKDDKDKDKDKDKKDDDDKDDDD
Tkr + zodiacx36808221018197027961430/03/25/101/2/KDKDKDKX/K//D/DDD/DDDK/DKDDTKD/
Daenji + zodiacx25657282021271742121660/01/27/240/1K/DDDTKDDDKDDDDTKDDDDDDKDDDDKDKDDDDDD
mAurice + zodiacx17845293017194141162320/00/15/171/4/XDD/T/DDDDX/DDDD/DDDDDDDK/D/KDKDKDDK
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR1331231612100639492209360/02/013/71/0/KKK//DKKK/KKKKKDDXKDXKD/K/KKD
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi16213526168016473514881330/00/015/94/1DK//DDDDKKK/KKK/KDKKKK/KKTKKKDKKKDKK/KDKKDK
Syn3rgy.NBS abs11331212015100828162028180/02/018/70/0/KKKDKKK/DK//K/KKDKDKDK/KDK/K/KKDKK
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti1001161717210329972996180/03/112/132/0DKKXSDKDKDDDKDKDDKKDDKKKD/KKK/DKKK/
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN241196291210144844305130/00/130/70/0KKDK/KTDK/KKKKKKDKDDKKKKKK/KKKKKKKKKKDK/DD
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric699016231011039502355320/01/212/104/1/DD/KDKD//KKDKD/KD/DDKK/KK/KDTKD/DKKDKK/
rgy.NBS 1407811249514133723291141272400/08/4100/5311/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx551161120102925542763810/00/112/101/0DKKD//K/DKKK/D/KD/TD/KKDDDK/T/KDD
predinhoo + zodiacx10011318184008343431271940/00/115/103/0/KKDDK//K/DKDK/DKK/KKDDKKK/KKXKD/KDKD
zodiacx + PreZ881421618301931382328520/02/114/81/0KKDKKD/KDK//K/TKK/DKDD/KK/KKD/KDK/D
Tkr + zodiacx931071516300233903449180/00/113/131/1DKDDKDKKDKDKKDDKKKXDDKK/DDDK/KKD
Daenji + zodiacx01011002006255000/01/314/102/2DDDDKKKK/KDD/KKKDKKDD/KKDKK/KDKK/D/DDD
mAurice + zodiacx07716050151493000/00/016/176/6DKDD/KK/KDKDKKDDKDDKKXDKDKDKDXKDTDK/KDKK//DDDKDKKD
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR6182111820032464284100/00/011/150/0KD/DDKKDKK/D/KDDKKDKDDKDDDDKD
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi40699220001123843167270/01/18/90/1D/D////KKDKDDK//K/KD/D/DDKKD/KD
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1409010252005270635981300/00/010/160/4DKDDKK/KDDDDDDKDDDKDKDKKD///D/DDKDD
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti881011517100328682640580/05/16/94/4KKKDDKK/KDDDDKDDKDKKDDD/KK/KKDKD
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN811021822100427353570360/01/017/160/1KK/K/DKDKD/DKDK/KKKDDDDDKDDKKDDDDDKKDKKK
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric6599172610063561310600/00/114/173/2KK/DDKK/DDDD/DDKDDDDKDKD/KKDDKDDKDKD/K/KKKK
rgy.NBS 63543801307003216718189222510/07/366/827/12
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx721471622301026813770650/01/215/121/6DTDDKDKDKDKKDDDKDDKDKKDDKKKDDDDKXKKDDDKD
predinhoo + zodiacx6711119286013357549132010/01/016/193/8KDDKDKDKDKDDKKDDDDDDKD/KKK//KDDKKDKDDKDKDXDDTKKDDX
zodiacx + PreZ821241923501335484347530/01/118/151/4/KKKDKDKDDK/K/KDDKDKKDDTDDDDKKDKDKDKKDDXDKKD
Tkr + zodiacx9112522248129311618994240/08/10/1116/2K//D/KKKDD/DK///KKDD/KKDKDKKDDKSKDKDK/KTKKKKDKDT
Daenji + zodiacx591241932600233124458720/01/214/234/5KKXDDD/KKDKDDKDDDDKDDD/DDDKDDKDKDKDDKKDKDKDDKDKDDKKD
mAurice + zodiacx359714403017342050222330/00/213/252/7DDDDDKDDDDKDDKKDK/K/KDD//KKDDDKXDDDKDD/DKDDDT/DDD/KDDDKD
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR11311625225026421136131370/02/122/123/5XDKKDKD/KDKDKK/DKDK/KX/KDDKKTKDKKD/K/KDKKDKDKDKKTDK
Syn3rgy.NBS abs170131172420111330032032040/01/115/102/3/K/KTK/KKDK/KDK/DK//DK/KK/KDKX/KDDDDK/DDKDD
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti487214295118224726632230/05/40/810/8DK/DDDKDSK/DK/K/KDTK/KDKKDDDDKDDKD/DK//KDDDD
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN1281632721700445863546580/01/126/130/4K/DKKDKDKKKDKDKKKDKKDKXKDKDK/DDK/KKKKDKKKKD/DKDDD
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric11813032275026520927201990/00/118/1911/2KDKTDKKDKDKKK/DDDKKD/KDDK/KTDDKKDKDKKKDKKDKKD/KDKKKK/KDK/DKDKX
rgy.NBS 9675614415233264124409196528930/09/13105/7631/26

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
BUTZiii + zodiacx916911121003147420691780/00/110/51/3DK/DKKDKKKKD/DKDDKK/DDK
predinhoo + zodiacx7564121620061956217800/00/012/60/4K/KDK/KK/DKKK/D/KDDKDDDKK/DD
zodiacx + PreZ136731511200321251645540/01/014/40/4/K/KDKKKDKK/DDKDKKDKKKDKKD
Tkr + zodiacx81419113002136010791140/08/10/21/7D/K/KDKKKKDDDKDXKKDDD
Daenji + zodiacx64739142010253621831020/00/27/102/2DDKDDKKDKDKKDDKTDKDDDDKD
mAurice + zodiacx1005213135103199314121020/00/29/65/5DKD/DSKKDKDKKDDKKK/DKKDKDKDDK/D
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR75851216300621711586360/01/28/93/2/D/KDKDDDKDKD/KD//KKDKX/DXDKKKDK
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi3756616201214162089990/01/16/120/2DKKDDDDDDD/DKKXDK/DDDKTD
Syn3rgy.NBS abs121031400010000/00/33/70/3DKD/DDDDDDDKDDDKD
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti683813193311140019102570/04/10/1210/2SKSDDKDDDDKDKDK/DDKKSKDDKDKDKTDKK
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN108761312501220602238840/00/213/81/0KKKKKDKDKKDDKDD//KKDTDKDDK
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric061011021702688410/02/24/511/0KD/KDSDK/K//TK/K/KKDKKKKDSKKKK/DX
rgy.NBS 5231647881354197047105115170/08/1134/5325/9

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
[]: *** Visit for more information!
[]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[]: *** Visit for more information!
[]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: HAUKE N E R D
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Warmup]: 1 sec
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: ready up
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [Warmup]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [Countdown]: ae nicholas vai se foder
mAurice + zodiacx [Countdown]: hf
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Countdown]: 8D
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[14:58]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
BUTZiii + zodiacx [14:58]: expect the unexpected
[14:58]: Syn3rgy.NBS abs1called a vote.
Daenji + zodiacx [14:58]: polen kopf
[14:58]: Vote passed!
[14:58]: *** Match Reset! ***
[14:58]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[14:58]: *** Visit for more information!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: ''((''''''((''
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: '(. .) ' (. .)'Dont Worry Be happy!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: (( v )) (( v ))
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: --m-m-----m-m--
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
predinhoo + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
predinhoo + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
Daenji + zodiacx [Warmup]: EGDEGDEGDEGDEGD
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: 1 min left :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Countdown]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Countdown]: 8D
Daenji + zodiacx [Countdown]: ^
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [14:21]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [14:01]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [13:55]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [13:21]: 8D
[13:04]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [13:02]: 8D
[12:47]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[12:23]: Allies have destroyed the Door Control!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [11:30]: this map is for no use without k nowing it xD
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:29]: :)
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [11:28]: hf
Tkr + zodiacx [11:23]: youre gettin old
Tkr + zodiacx [11:22]: ervin
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [11:10]: i just dont know it
Tkr + zodiacx [11:08]: :P
[11:02]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:42]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:27]: 8D
[10:12]: Axis have returned the objective!
[9:27]: Axis have returned the objective!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:25]: xD!
[7:37]: Axis have returned the objective!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [5:41]: 8D
[4:40]: Axis have returned the objective!
Daenji + zodiacx [4:29]: ^
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [4:01]: 8D
[3:13]: Axis have returned the objective!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [3:01]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [2:02]: 8D
[1:32]: Allies have transported the Power Supply!
[1:30]: Allies have activated the Gate Controls!
[1:28]: Magnetic seal deactivated - Gates opening!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: maurice highest dmg
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: et=dead
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Intermission]: cool
mAurice + zodiacx [Intermission]: LOW MATCH
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Warmup]: your zeh masters
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: wasnt meant to be offensive
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: chill
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: ''((''''''((''
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: '(. .) ' (. .)'Dont Worry Be happy!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: (( v )) (( v ))
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
BUTZiii + zodiacx [Warmup]: u give up? :D
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: we have to attack >(
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Warmup]: rup
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Warmup]: i give up a map i dont know :P
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: :D
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
[14:12]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [14:05]: :)
[13:30]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[13:27]: Allies have destroyed the Door Control!
[12:35]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[12:32]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:03]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:38]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:17]: :)
[10:14]: Allies have transported the Power Supply!
[10:11]: Allies have activated the Gate Controls!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [10:09]: gg
[10:08]: Magnetic seal deactivated - Gates opening!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [10:05]: lets play a normal map
Tkr + zodiacx [9:56]: no radar then?
Tkr + zodiacx [9:55]: XD
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [9:51]: ye radar =)
Tkr + zodiacx [9:44]: as shit as this one tbh
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:41]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [8:39]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [8:38]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:38]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:08]: 8D
[5:07]: The Rocket Controls have been dismantled.
[5:03]: Allies have transported the Rocket Control!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 9:56 (original: 15:00)
mAurice + zodiacx [Intermission]: gg
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: gg wp
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Intermission]: ggg
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!
[11:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:10]: 8D
[10:46]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:41]: 8D
[10:24]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:47]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:43]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:27]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:10]: 8D
Tkr + zodiacx [7:19]: baptiste keyplayer :P
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:16]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:11]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:10]: 8D
[6:06]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [5:43]: 8D
[5:41]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[5:41]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
mAurice + zodiacx [5:41]: 0 kills lol
[5:41]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[5:41]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[5:41]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[5:40]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[5:40]: FIGHT!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [4:11]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [2:12]: 8D
predinhoo + zodiacx [2:09]: wp
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [1:40]: 8D
mAurice + zodiacx [0:23]: HRNSHN
Tkr + zodiacx [0:23]: gg wp
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
mAurice + zodiacx [Intermission]: wp
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [Intermission]: coooll rasdar
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: u seem upset
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: :O
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[11:51]: predinhoo + zodiacxcalled a vote.
[11:50]: Vote passed!
[11:50]: *** Match Reset! ***
[11:50]: *** Visit for more information!
[11:50]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: --m-m-----m-m--
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: (( v )) (( v ))
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: ''((''''''((''
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: '(. .) ' (. .)'Dont Worry Be happy!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: sup ?
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:46]: 8D
[11:31]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:28]: 8D
[11:02]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:46]: :)
[10:45]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[10:33]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:27]: 8D
[9:50]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:45]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:45]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:25]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [8:45]: 8D
[7:50]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:25]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:05]: 8D
mAurice + zodiacx [6:55]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [6:55]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [6:55]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [6:55]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS NgN [6:52]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:46]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:25]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [4:45]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [3:45]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [1:25]: 8D
Tkr + zodiacx [0:31]: gg
[0:29]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:30
mAurice + zodiacx [Intermission]: u serious ?!
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: :D
zodiacx + PreZ [Intermission]: :S
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: adler bremen grush supply
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: heads
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [Warmup]: hax
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: adler bremen supply
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: grush out
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Warmup]: bremen out
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [14:11]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [13:41]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [13:11]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:44]: fucking rnade blew me half way across the mapxd
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:41]: 8D
[12:40]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[12:38]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:11]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:03]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [11:41]: 8D
[10:44]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:43]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:42]: 8D
[10:42]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:22]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:13]: 8D
[10:02]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[9:48]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [8:42]: 8D
[8:36]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[8:32]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:11]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:41]: 8D
[7:29]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:16]: xD!
[7:00]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[6:23]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
mAurice + zodiacx [6:23]: FUCKING CP NOISE
mAurice + zodiacx [6:23]: UNPAUSE
[6:23]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [6:23]: i know that feel bro
[6:23]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
predinhoo + zodiacx [6:23]: let us win
predinhoo + zodiacx [6:23]: you roll finns
predinhoo + zodiacx [6:23]: both profit
[6:23]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
mAurice + zodiacx [6:22]: unpause -.-
[6:23]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [6:23]: we're pissing you off with cp noise
Tkr + zodiacx [6:23]: aaaaaaw yeah
[6:23]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [6:23]: maurice is pissed i can see it from the smile
mAurice + zodiacx [6:23]: ?
Tkr + zodiacx [6:22]: senti smiley doctor
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [6:23]: -_-
Tkr + zodiacx [6:23]: kk
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [6:23]: -.-
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:23]: :)
[6:23]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[6:23]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[6:23]: FIGHT!
[4:57]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[4:56]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[4:42]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [3:42]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [1:51]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [1:45]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [1:41]: 8D
[1:33]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 13:26
Tkr + zodiacx [Intermission]: gg
mAurice + zodiacx [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: ''((''''''((''
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Warmup]: WAIT
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Warmup]: FFS
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Warmup]: 2MINS
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: wait not
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: NO WORRIES M8
mAurice + zodiacx [Warmup]: ugly islandmonkey
predinhoo + zodiacx [Warmup]: CAPSLOCK
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: maurice mad
Tkr + zodiacx [Warmup]: sup
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Warmup]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [Warmup]: he's not here :>
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [Countdown]: he back
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Countdown]: :)
Tkr + zodiacx [Countdown]: welcome back artstarm8
Tkr + zodiacx [Countdown]: :-)
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Countdown]: hejo
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [Countdown]: :)
[Countdown]: *** Visit for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:48]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:41]: xD!
[12:30]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
mAurice + zodiacx [12:29]: GTFO
[12:29]: Syn3rgy.NBS stAR disconnected
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:29]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [12:29]: he is having some problems
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [12:29]: :(
[12:29]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
predinhoo + zodiacx [12:29]: hes comming back or new one?
[12:29]: Allies team locked from spectators by Syn3rgy.NBS numeric
[12:29]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[12:29]: Axis team locked by BUTZiii + zodiacx
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [12:29]: for your unhappiness he is coming back
Syn3rgy.NBS numeric [12:29]: impresive play
[12:29]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[12:29]: stAR Team UK connected
[12:29]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:29]: use x whole life
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:29]: suffer consequences 2k12
[12:29]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:30]: xp
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:30]: *
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:29]: :(
[12:29]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
Tkr + zodiacx [12:29]: :S
[12:29]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
predinhoo + zodiacx [12:29]: hf
[12:29]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[12:29]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[12:29]: FIGHT!
[12:21]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:21]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:21]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:21]: OMFG RUP
mAurice + zodiacx [12:21]: :D
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [12:21]: D:
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:21]: WAITING SO LONG
[12:21]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
Tkr + zodiacx [12:21]: fast game obviously
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:21]: Sublime [miXer]: lol i just put ip and pw to some chick on msn
mAurice + zodiacx [12:21]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [12:21]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [12:21]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [12:21]: :D
[12:21]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
Syn3rgy.NBS stAR [12:21]: enjoy :)
[12:21]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[12:21]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
Tkr + zodiacx [12:21]: gl
[12:21]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[12:21]: FIGHT!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [12:14]: 8D
mAurice + zodiacx [12:05]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [12:05]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [11:37]: gg wp
[11:18]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[11:09]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [10:49]: 8D
[10:46]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
mAurice + zodiacx [10:08]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [10:08]: :D
mAurice + zodiacx [10:08]: :D
[9:53]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:49]: 8D
[9:49]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:22]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[9:13]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:08]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [9:07]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [8:52]: :)
[8:46]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[8:20]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
[8:05]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[7:44]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[7:43]: The Allies have activated the crane!
predinhoo + zodiacx [7:42]: wp
predinhoo + zodiacx [7:41]: gg
Tkr + zodiacx [7:39]: gg
[7:29]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:29]: 8D
predinhoo + zodiacx [7:14]: hurensohn
mAurice + zodiacx [7:13]: oh
mAurice + zodiacx [7:08]: gtfo fucking polak
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [7:06]: xD!
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [7:05]: dumich auch lackaffee
Tkr + zodiacx [7:01]: :D
predinhoo + zodiacx [6:55]: je nique ta mere kurwa japierdole
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:51]: 8D
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:51]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:50]: :)
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:50]: :)
mAurice + zodiacx [6:46]: harte worte von einem dirty sanchez
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [6:21]: :)
predinhoo + zodiacx [6:08]: JEBANE
mAurice + zodiacx [5:53]: CASEK LEFT for someone else ?
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [5:49]: :)
mAurice + zodiacx [5:41]: such a lowbob
mAurice + zodiacx [5:36]: getting pros to win a cup :D
Tkr + zodiacx [5:33]: wp guys
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [5:29]: :)
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [5:28]: thanks for issle was cool xp
Syn3ergy.NBS seNti [5:23]: missle
Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 [5:22]: ggs
[5:21]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 8:05 (original: 13:26)
[Intermission]: Syn3rgy.NBS NgN disconnected
[Intermission]: Syn3ergy.NBS seNti disconnected
zodiacx + PreZ [Intermission]: wp
[Intermission]: Tkr + zodiacx disconnected
[Intermission]: Syn3rgy.NBS abs1 disconnected
[Intermission]: Syn3rgy.NBS numeric disconnected
[Intermission]: mAurice + zodiacx disconnected
Syn3rgy.NBS KANZAKi [Intermission]: ggs
[Intermission]: Daenji + zodiacx disconnected
[Intermission]: predinhoo + zodiacx disconnected
[Intermission]: zodiacx + PreZ disconnected
[Intermission]: Syn3rgy.NBS stAR disconnected
[Intermission]: BUTZiii + zodiacx disconnected
[Intermission]: *** This server is running TZAC addon v0.18
[Intermission]: *** Visit for more information!

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.