greejtsjot vs wiSe-guys (2641 views)

be eron
be ViKO
be PlAyer
pl hunter
pl ridji
pl Elviss

CB 3on3 Ladder
13.03.13 18:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth wiSe riddick 72 kills
Killing Spree wiSe riddick 18 frags without being killed
Accountant wiSe riddick 167% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! v56{ heheron 21 gibs
...and stay dead! v56{ heheron 55% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning wiSe riddick 68 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! wiSe^ eLVISS 12 SPAM kills
Fragstealer wiSe^ eLVISS 151 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! v56{ PlAyerrrrr 309 damage per frag
What objective? wiSe riddick 444 XP
Red Shirt v56{ heheron 81 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? v56{ heheron 10 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore wiSe riddick 228 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut wiSe^ eLVISS 3 team kills
Gingerbread man wiSe^ eLVISS 25 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
wiSe riddick1674447243140161231694981820/02/168/323/6171221184
wiSe^ eLVISS863676474110325967591903230/02/053/4512/715112446
wiSe hunter8140344541603101159810207970/00/045/432/326418946
wiSe 105121418017141074133589288956020/04/0166/4317/319517895
v56{ SLEEPER6830653781901219402106551520/00/246/548/317713737
v56{ heheron4731438812100168897105731270/00/332/536/9234131210
v56{ PlAyerrrrr5431139725021410596123611170/02/038/551/427217229
v56{ 5693113023145035128895335893960/02/0116/5515/422814729
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
wiSe riddick85901214400230932754360/00/012/100/2KKDKDKKD/DKDDKDKDDDDKDKK/K
wiSe^ eLVISS781041823100624142716330/00/017/131/5KDDKK/KK/K/DKD/KKK/DKKDDDDDDKXDK/DKDKDKDKD
wiSe hunter581211017501332753149300/00/010/141/0DDD/DDKDD/KDKKKKTDDK/KDKDDKD
wiSe 74315405410011187828619990/00/039/372/7
v56{ SLEEPER84701619120062816267000/00/013/133/1/KD/DKDKDK/DKDK/KKDDKDXKK/KKDK/DDKDK
v56{ heheron739111151400226132674180/00/07/124/1DKD/DKDDKDKDKDKKD/DKDKDKKD
v56{ PlAyerrrrr88821618001431903438110/00/017/140/0/KDKKDKDKDK/KDKDKK/DKDKTKDKDDDK/DKD
v56{ 82243435226011286198782290/00/037/397/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
wiSe riddick142105201440032937257900/01/118/81/2/KDKKD/KKDKKDKDKKKKKK/KKKKKDDKDDDD
wiSe^ eLVISS1269019152017315025521580/00/018/72/1KDKKD/KD/KKKDD/KTK/KK/DKDKKK/K/KKKD
wiSe hunter588471250042311220100/00/07/80/1DDKD/K/DK/KX/DKDKDKD
wiSe 1092794641110114839873321580/01/143/233/4
v56{ SLEEPER77102172220072553246100/00/115/152/0DKKKDKKDK/K/DDKK/DDDDDD/KKK//KD/DKKXDDKK
v56{ heheron216352320072062287600/00/15/130/2/DDDD/DDKKD//D/DD/DDKDKDD/DK
v56{ PlAyerrrrr2577520001527173061520/02/03/151/0DKDDK/DDK//DDDDDDDKD/T/KDD
v56{ 4124227654011973328398520/02/223/433/2
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
wiSe riddick3441683193011453429381060/01/030/91/1XKKKKDKKDDKKKXKDKKKDKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKDD/TD
wiSe^ eLVISS65971523401922272466250/02/09/155/1KKKDKKDDKK/XDK//T//K/DDDK/D/KKDDK/KDKDDDX
wiSe hunter1051191817302338283123670/00/019/131/1TKD/KDTKKKKDKKKDK/KD/KKKDDKKDKDDDDDKD
wiSe 17138464491004131058985271980/03/058/377/3
v56{ SLEEPER45941124300424493530180/00/110/171/2DKKDDDKD/DDK/DDKDDDDK/DDDDDDKKK/KDK
v56{ heheron42931433200526943344910/00/212/212/5DDDDDDKDDKDDKDKDDDDKDK/DDKDDD/DKDDD/DK/DKKDKK/K
v56{ PlAyerrrrr571061119200333843715540/00/011/160/0DKKD/KDDDDKDD/KDDKDKDDDKKDKDK/
v56{ 482933676700128527105891630/00/333/543/7

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
wiSe riddick1508196300017521227400/00/08/51/1DKKDDKKDDKDKKKK
wiSe^ eLVISS927612134013188414561070/00/09/104/0KDDDKDKDDK/K/KDKDKDK/DTKKK
wiSe hunter112799830002184173400/00/09/80/1DKDKDKKKDDKDKDDKKX
wiSe 118236302710013582044171470/00/026/235/2
v56{ SLEEPER69409132014158419941340/00/08/92/0DKKK/KKD/TDK/DKD/KKDDDD
v56{ heheron8067810300215281679180/00/08/70/1KDKKDDK/DKDKK/DKDD
v56{ PlAyerrrrr464671530021305214700/00/07/100/4K/KDDKDDDKDXK/DDKDKDDDD
v56{ 6515324388018441758201520/00/023/262/5

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
v56{ SLEEPER [Countdown]: hf
wiSe riddick [Countdown]: hf
[11:21]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:49]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:39]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[10:30]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[9:52]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:48]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:57]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[8:48]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[8:18]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[6:56]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[5:12]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[5:11]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[4:58]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[4:52]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[4:51]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[4:51]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[4:51]: FIGHT!
[2:52]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 9:07
v56{ heheron [Intermission]: gg
wiSe^ eLVISS [Countdown]: pozdrowienia dla starych zlodzieji z Ciechanowa od Tytusa
[7:12]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[7:00]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[6:53]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[6:39]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[6:17]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[5:02]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[4:58]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[4:49]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[1:47]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[1:01]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[0:57]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[0:56]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[0:43]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
v56{ SLEEPER [0:16]: wp
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (9:07)
wiSe riddick [Countdown]: hf
[11:09]: The Tank has been repaired!
[11:06]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[11:04]: The Tank has been damaged!
v56{ heheron [11:03]: :D
v56{ heheron [11:03]: :D
v56{ heheron [11:03]: :D
[10:39]: The Tank has been repaired!
[10:00]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:58]: The Tank has been damaged!
[7:53]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[5:37]: The Tank has been repaired!
[5:03]: The Tank has been damaged!
v56{ heheron [4:15]: :D
[1:00]: The Tank has been repaired!
[0:49]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
wiSe riddick [Countdown]: hf
[11:34]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:57]: The Tank has been repaired!
[9:54]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[8:47]: The Tank has been damaged!
[8:43]: The Tank has been repaired!
[8:22]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[8:18]: The Tank has been damaged!
[7:06]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
v56{ SLEEPER [5:43]: wp
v56{ heheron [5:24]: gg
v56{ heheron [5:21]: finish pls :-)
[5:18]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 6:41 (original: 12:00)
v56{ heheron [Intermission]: thx4game cu
wiSe^ eLVISS [Intermission]: ggs
wiSe riddick [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: v56{ heheron disconnected
[Intermission]: v56{ SLEEPER disconnected
[Intermission]: wiSe hunter disconnected
[Intermission]: wiSe eLVISS disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.