02.03.15 19:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: mEnace (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 732
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


akuku kieruj tam
ciezko jak ktos z low+ w 2tygodnie do med skilla sie wybija i podczas skoku wbija banie xD
szczerze to oni graja czysto wiec nwm czego sie czepiasz
no nie wiem moze to przez lola ale jak dla mnie gosc ktory miesiac temu byl strasznie slaby a teraz ma refleks kota nie jest do konca czysty no i plus te banie nawet gdy skacze ;D moze im server pasowal, nie wnikam
po prostu byles slaby :D
jebie mnie ta gra juz dawno wiec sie nie przejmuje xD
bo byles, jestes i bedziesz chujowy w ta gre. tez by mnie to jebalo w takim ukladzie :/
wylewasz własne żale na innych w internecie?
nie odpisuj komus kto konto na gtv zalozyl pod koniec 2014 ;D
gruby, ustal z lagzem czas (jutro/czwartek) i napisz do jakiegos admina o akcept meczu gtv :S
ale aperitifa tu nie ma, czemu piszesz gruby xD
Its because cgac is too good and i cant cheat anymore.
You have € 10 on eu minus
You won € 732You have € 10 on eu minus
You won € 732

no problem! keep improving m8!
I just asked Nejm to play with us.

[20:46] <nejm> im not playnig with cheaters
yes, and people know it since i've started playing official games, with few exceptions just because of teammate getting merc or smth.
I heard that Aure is a skilled player cming from jaymod, wat u think ?
I'm not fro,m jaymod :x and not skilled some days good days some bad..
Blame opponent cheating is pathetic, ive just performed bad and there's no excuse for me.
well spoken nejm.
You are my hero.
My only hero, people should look up to you, instead on spitting on your face, while eating chocolate.
You are my hero.
My only hero, that's why I made this special song for you, and only you.
You are my hero.
I wish.. I wish I was as honourable as you.
I wish, I was a polak too.
You are my hero.
Your armour shines like the sun, your teeth white as snow, that thing between your legs, a staggering donkey.
You are my hero, on a donkey.
I wish, I wish I could love you. Because you are my hero, my only hero.
You always make me happy, when you post on gtv, just because I always have a good laugh with my only hero.
(but Bobika has that effect too, gods have been rude on him. With that brain, damn...)

Can you?
Can you be my hero, just for one day?
I'll make love to you, untill the sun goes down. Then I'll be eating chocolate again.
You, Nejm, my hero.

Your ultra fan.
(check the f*cking time, I'm writing this... Yes Nejm, this is specially for you)