riZe Gaming LTD vs Team-ND (10581 views)

de butchji
de eLc
de Hatred
de keran
nl LiciD
nl Lun4t1C
de pumu
hr aCoZz
ee asd.
fr emorej
se feruS
si JaKaZc
nl kris
Semifinal match. The winner of this match will proceed to play ee idle.ee in the final.
29.06.06 21:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth Team-ND aCoZz 64 kills
Killing Spree Team-ND aCoZz 8 frags without being killed
Accountant Lun4t1C riZe 158% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! Team-ND aCoZz 28 gibs
...and stay dead! Team-ND kris 59% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning Lun4t1C riZe 56 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! Team-ND aCoZz 41 SPAM kills
Fragstealer Team-ND JaKaZc 140 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! Team-ND asd. /// 259 damage per frag
What objective? Lun4t1C riZe 422 XP
Red Shirt Team-ND JaKaZc 68 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? Team-ND emoReJ 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore Lun4t1C riZe 207 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut Team-ND asd. /// 7 team kills
Gingerbread man Team-ND emoReJ 15 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus114397585114016861694483080/04/452/283/1314918574
Team-ND JaKaZc813215768122213847269283030/00/351/437/111499957
Team-ND asd. ///46256265690711595985085540/02/323/367/622915226
Team-ND emoReJ562393358111015546579832050/11/631/312/9166135511
Team-ND aCoZz9436864652832111025171245280/019/24/3841/1116010585
Team-ND kris653173757220357720101122230/01/538/371/820917764
Team-ND 7618982753559661561464835010321210/027/5199/3761/817714266
keran riZe523113465101311737381881870/00/634/412/821712458
elc riZe80283404922144609172081580/04/445/342/1115214474
LiciD riZe862765058140013857364362020/013/53/3231/1217111145
pumu riZe68270466715118722684911040/02/431/399/1215712549
Hatred riZe1123575549160171000584222740/04/748/293/518217285
Lun4t1C riZe1584226038200431015777671711/00/156/285/716920454
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus23315528121000336442522520/01/126/51/4DK/KKD/KDDKKKKK/KKXKKKKKKKDKKKKKKKDKKDKDD
Team-ND JaKaZc921041213500223721502180/00/110/102/2K/KKK/DDDKKKKKKDXDDKKDDXDDD
Team-ND asd. ///63637113040129318423760/02/16/83/3KKDXDTTDKDKDDKDDKDTTDKD
Team-ND emoReJ1801191810800223172298900/11/115/42/3/DDKKK/KKKKKDDKDKDKKKDKXKKKDK
Team-ND aCoZz128108181413214281312152980/07/00/712/1/DK/DKSSDKKKKK/KKKKKKDDKKKDKT/KDD
Team-ND kris100112151514010254326211080/00/216/110/3KDDKDKTDDDKKDKKDKDKKKKDDKKDKXDDD
Team-ND 133661987553261114982120009420/111/673/4520/16
keran riZe3643925510116342616180/00/38/171/4DKDDKDKK/DDDDDDDKDXKDDDDKDKDDDKDDDS
elc riZe41487171000014622824180/01/16/110/5DKDDKDDDDKDDDDKDDDDKKKDD
LiciD riZe86811315400220791739170/03/00/1310/2KDKD//KDDDKDXDDKXKKDKKKDDDDKKK
pumu riZe3156929700320273581510/00/25/172/1D/DK/KDDDKDDDD/DKDDDDDDDDDKKKD
Hatred riZe10682161570002603270500/01/315/90/3KDKDKKDKDDDDDKDDDDKKKDKDKKDKKKK
Lun4t1C riZe10011310104030256822601291/00/112/70/2DKKKKDDDDTTKDKTKDDKKKDD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus6659812100013372450540/02/16/90/4KDDKKXDDKDDDKDDDDKKKDX
Team-ND JaKaZc1157515131112222314031550/00/114/62/5KK/KKKS/KDKTKDKXDDKDKDDDKDKDKKX
Team-ND asd. ///16382122030112118081640/00/03/132/0DDKDDDXDDTDKDDDDTT
Team-ND emoReJ0460800023741030470/00/22/70/1DDKK//DDDDDXDD
Team-ND aCoZz937415165013192814941870/02/10/914/3K/KDKK//DKKDKKDKDKTDDKDKDKKDDDKD
Team-ND kris8180911601119242229780/00/19/81/1KDD/TDDKDDKDDDDKKKKKK
Team-ND 623724972151688907104146850/04/634/5219/14
keran riZe5569592031110116841370/00/08/80/1D/KDDTTDKXKDKDDKTD
elc riZe0907000112970720/00/115/40/0KDKD/KKKKKKTKDKKKKKDD
LiciD riZe1006915154003258316661220/06/10/59/6/KKDKKDD/KKDDKDDKKDKKK/DKDKDKD
pumu riZe90701011300013871447360/00/110/60/8DDDKKKKXKXKXDDKDKDDDKDXKD
Hatred riZe100831111400221961951180/00/110/81/0//DDDKDKDKDKKKKKKKKDDD
Lun4t1C riZe18389116501017991445420/00/012/60/0KDKDDKTDKKKKKKDKKD
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus7155570012950984580/00/25/21/0/KDDKTKK/DKDD
Team-ND JaKaZc6948913401413661240620/00/18/72/1DKDDKTDDKKKDDK//KKD/K/D
Team-ND asd. ///503751000051258146500/00/04/31/1K/DK/DD/K//KDDK
Team-ND emoReJ532371311061087100400/00/06/50/1/DK/K/KKKDDK/S/DD/KD
Team-ND aCoZz11079111030022203141300/03/02/96/1KKDKKDKDXKKX/KKDK/DDKDD
Team-ND kris364141110031376178400/00/04/60/2K//K/DDKDDKDDDD
Team-ND 65283416491222824078901200/03/329/3210/6
keran riZe718657100213341309320/00/14/41/0KKKDDDDKD/K/
elc riZe8052810400210911272180/00/07/51/3KDD/DKDKD/KDDDKKKK
LiciD riZe605261020041181114900/02/11/33/2DDKDK/DKKKD///DK
pumu riZe504651010031058117700/00/02/61/1DD/K/DDKDKDK/KD
Hatred riZe7056710100014481561580/01/16/70/1KDDKDDDKDDKDKKDKD
Lun4t1C riZe1667210620011778177200/00/010/20/3DKDKKKKDKD/DKKKK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus5060612200010282093540/00/06/80/3DDDKDKDKDDDDKKDKDD
Team-ND JaKaZc61501118110214461859180/00/011/130/3/KKDDDKDDDDKDDKDDDKKK/XKDDDKKS
Team-ND asd. ///6071610400312311591140/00/25/51/0DD/KK//DKKDDDKKD
Team-ND emoReJ11252171002834213000/00/12/110/3DDDD/DDDDDKDK/DDDDD
Team-ND aCoZz665581221001770169500/02/02/64/4KDKDDDKDKDKSDKDDDKDK
Team-ND kris445549101011341787370/01/24/60/0DDKDDDDKTKDKDD
Team-ND 493163778112177443111551230/03/530/495/13
keran riZe666281200051975144900/00/08/50/2DK/D//KDK/DK/KKKKDDD
elc riZe11150109603114591420500/03/210/50/1KTDKKDKDKTKKDTDKKDD/KD
LiciD riZe1425010720021602914630/01/22/55/1/XKKDXDKXKKKDKDKK/KD
pumu riZe1224611930021393120600/00/09/62/1KDK/KKKD/KKKDKKDDDKD
Hatred riZe200791262014201411761580/02/09/22/0KKK/T/KKDKKKK/DK/KK
Lun4t1C riZe18084181080022712127800/00/012/85/1DKKXK/KKKDDKK/KDKKDKKKKDDKKDK
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus10023550001460750360/00/05/10/2KKKKKD/DD
Team-ND JaKaZc832156000076762500/00/04/50/0DDKDKKDKD
Team-ND asd. ///502336000230183900/00/02/10/2KK/D/DD
Team-ND emoReJ401225000245071600/00/22/10/0K/D/DKD
Team-ND aCoZz3319391001679842430/01/00/60/1DDDDDK/DD
Team-ND kris5019360000437101200/00/03/20/2KDKKDDD
Team-ND 591172137100630944784790/01/216/160/7
keran riZe502836100152248000/00/02/40/0KDDKD/D
elc riZe1002355110076165200/00/04/31/0DDKSKKKDK
LiciD riZe661846200279044200/01/00/32/0/KD/KKDD
pumu riZe20036841100110853500/01/02/24/0DKKDKSKKKK
Hatred riZe13325431000808578400/00/13/20/0DKKDKD
Lun4t1C riZe3004262100079540700/00/05/20/0KKDKKDK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
Team-ND ferus200456310001197649540/01/04/31/0KKKDDKKDK
Team-ND JaKaZc10023551003298299500/00/04/21/0KDKK//KDK/
Team-ND asd. ///422437000175596300/00/03/60/0D/KDDKDDKD
Team-ND emoReJ8014451001403805680/00/04/30/1KKD/KKDDD
Team-ND aCoZz2253394400185846500/04/10/15/1KDD/DKKKKKKKK
Team-ND kris401025000130667900/00/02/40/0DK/DDKD
Team-ND 11514929297007381738601720/05/117/197/2
keran riZe662346100180765000/00/24/30/1DKDK/KDXDKD
elc riZe37203810001021104000/00/03/60/2DKDDKDKDDDD
LiciD riZe40625000033852600/00/10/32/1KDDDDKD
pumu riZe7516340010253545170/01/13/20/1DKDKDKTD
Hatred riZe1253254100193645100/00/15/10/1/KKKKDDKD
Lun4t1C riZe1252254000050560500/00/05/30/1KKDDKKKDD

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: k cool
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: id?
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: mag et dan nog?
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: dan is het cool
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: ok
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: maar sowieso wordt het lastig
pumu riZe [Warmup]: what team do u want?
Lun4t1C riZe [Warmup]: 13
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: omdat je een week van te voren op ons rooster moet zijn:P
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: jakazc which side first?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: AXIS
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: dus zometeen je meteen ff toevoegen
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: aha:P
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: oki
Lun4t1C riZe [Warmup]: thx
conr4d #Pr3dS.Radio [Warmup]: xinn leave :o
pumu riZe [Warmup]: butch isnt here lOlol
elc riZe [Warmup]: omgoat
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: np
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: toss hows france?
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: :>
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: :> burning cars and stuff:<
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: :>
#Ekstreme P`Radio [Warmup]: ups
elc riZe [Warmup]: in holland würden wir die fahrräder verbrennen
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: uhm ok
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: damn many spectators
keran riZe [Warmup]: lol butchjis pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: x
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
keran riZe [Warmup]: da butch pc is broken
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: good
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: ROFL
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: n1 powersupply
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: shoutout to my mom and pdn
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: poof!
#Ekstreme P`Radio [Warmup]: shoutcast plz
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: and shoutout for jAkAzC's dog SANI !!!111
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: jakazc pls update your guid
pumu riZe [Warmup]: o m g
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: N3CO
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: i have 2 comps other guid is in history
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: :F
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: nope
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: 7 mins left rize!
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: .....
elc riZe [Warmup]: we get ze other legend
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: get mystic
pumu riZe [Warmup]: so lOl
#Ekstreme P`Radio [Warmup]: gimme shoutcaster plz
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: tosspot play alot of prodigy pls :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: n3co
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: done
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: o
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: ok
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: n3co we want a full report pls.
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: report will be up withing 1hour
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: I'm not evan =)
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: :]
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: KANKER BUTCH
elc riZe [Warmup]: inderdaad
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: need standin?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: yes
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i can play
pumu riZe [Warmup]: probably
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: p4h is mercing
pumu riZe [Warmup]: can we play with warleagues players of us?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: take mystic
keran riZe [Warmup]: get him for us :)
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: ferus aproached us, nP
pumu riZe [Warmup]: can lotix merc ?
keran riZe [Warmup]: So, you want the forfeit?
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: shoutout to irZ! :P
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: hes playing in demi
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: pls
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: sure keran
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: ok gl :<
keran riZe [Warmup]: gratz and gl in the final :o
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: gl in final than
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: take lotix i dont care
pumu riZe [Warmup]: wait
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: luna does not wanna play
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: butch cant
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: so gl
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: ernie issent online
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: otherwise we will play
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i just want to play finish this so i can go out, so get anyone and just rup
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: :)
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: ferus pls update your guid as well
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: huh?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: :]
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i updated it like 1 week ago
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: wtf
pumu riZe [Warmup]: ok we got 6
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: ok maybe 2 months but still
keran riZe [Warmup]: maxx will play maybe wait
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: do i have to do it now neco?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: yes faker
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: yes mystic, stop faking ferus
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: now you have time :)
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: u mean gmx
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: [04:32:25] [+[palm]humM3L]: dont say you wanna play if you shit with pf sk supports.
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: how can i copy the guid?
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: cause its like 200 letters
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: ok
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: mhm dunno :)
pumu riZe [Warmup]: maxx is allowed right ?
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: we explained it
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: ask jak :)
keran riZe [Warmup]: we will play with maxx but give us a sec we have to go Ts cause he only got isdn
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: yes maxx is on the allowed player list
pumu riZe [Warmup]: ok
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: mAx?
elc riZe [Warmup]: wnb mAx
pumu riZe [Warmup]: no the better one
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: u did that last time aswell mates!
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: NO BUTCHJH!!11
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i have changed it now neco
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: check if its ok now
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: :)
WooKasH #Pr3dS.Radio [Warmup]: pozdro dla polskiej sceny!!ET
pumu riZe [Warmup]: coming
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: yep now it's correct
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: its 21.20 now
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: so....
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: get ur last player here whoever it is now
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: i have to go at beach in 1hour, hurry pls
pumu riZe [Warmup]: coming
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: tosspot
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: DONT BE IDIOTIC
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: TOSSPOT CALM DOWN
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: what is this
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: we pracced 5 days 24/7 for nothing?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: pls
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: we aint playing now or what
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: now you could play for another 2 days?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: i read that u didnt play lOl :D
pumu riZe [Warmup]: is lunatic allowed also?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: :o
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: talk in IRC pls
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: at matchchan
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: :S
pumu riZe [Warmup]: nah
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: are you palying now or not
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: u have max
keran riZe [Warmup]: we are
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: x
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: 20mins past
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: pls
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: :S
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: ok
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: so np?
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: guids are correct so ready up guys
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: ND BE COOL, say lets reschedule
keran riZe [Warmup]: we have no comms yet
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: samuel l jackson will like u
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i dont really care, i just wanna know if we are playing it now or later cause or else i will go
keran riZe [Warmup]: i depends on you
pumu riZe [Warmup]: WE GOT LUNATIC LOL
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: u have more players then sth in allowed list ?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: yes
Team-ND emoReJ [Warmup]: lol
elc riZe [Warmup]: lmao
elc riZe [Warmup]: !
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: frozzeb ur manager?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: lunatic vs. ferus Lollol
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: ferus wants butchji
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: ND Ferus say: Lets allow reschedule, just decide now
Team-ND emoReJ [Warmup]: p
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: i want to play a fair game thats all
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: ok good!
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: that sounds like they wanna reschedule
pumu riZe [Warmup]: our best player isnt here Lol
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: no
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: tosspot is admin ?
pumu riZe [Warmup]: :)
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: didnt kno!
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: as a representative of gay.com i say, reschedule
Team-ND emoReJ [Warmup]: :>
elc riZe [Warmup]: pr0ner
iTG'TosspoT [Warmup]: I am no admin, i just speak the voice of common sense, who wants to win like this?
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: lunatic should connect
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: we want to play not wait
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: FFS
Team-ND aCoZz [Warmup]: stop joking and get butchji here
pumu riZe [Warmup]: his computer is broken
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: its no joke
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: i need to go in bed soon
LiciD riZe [Warmup]: his powerpupply went dead
pumu riZe [Warmup]: he is on his old pc which his father owns now, his irc nick is even the old one (o6'butchji'''')
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: :>
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: shoutout to CUJO and KEKC also :o)(:
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: readyteam now
vp.ETTV1 [Warmup]: | visit us for more information on this game. |
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Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: derby nxm manki evan rapt6rr I LOVE YOU
Team-ND asd. /// [Warmup]: <3
Team-ND aCoZz [Countdown]: and mesqi asd ?
[EC]n3co'- [Countdown]: gl hf to both clans
Lun4t1C riZe [Countdown]: omg :|
[13:42]: Allies capture the factory district!
[13:18]: The side gate has been built!
[12:57]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[12:45]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[12:41]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[12:36]: The side gate has been destroyed!
[11:10]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[11:10]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[11:10]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[11:10]: FIGHT!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[4:34]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:30
Team-ND aCoZz [10:15]: :]
[10:14]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
Team-ND ferus [10:14]: nice
pumu riZe [10:14]: sup
[EC]n3co'- [10:14]: why pause?
Team-ND asd. /// [10:14]: vent prob!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
Team-ND JaKaZc [10:14]: tax
pumu riZe [10:14]: care
Lun4t1C riZe [10:14]: not fair
[10:14]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
Team-ND asd. /// [10:14]: FIXED
[10:14]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[10:14]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[10:14]: FIGHT!
[9:40]: Allies capture the factory district!
[9:38]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[9:21]: Allies capture the factory district!
[9:16]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[9:16]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[9:16]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:16]: FIGHT!
[9:10]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: :]
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: :]
Team-ND aCoZz [9:10]: xDDDDDD
Team-ND asd. /// [9:10]: crash
pumu riZe [9:10]: rofl
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: pausin game
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: JEWS
elc riZe [9:10]: a really nice game :)
[9:10]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: yteah
Team-ND aCoZz [9:10]: better then idle - demi tbh
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: the war about the pauses!
Lun4t1C riZe [9:10]: ha-ha.
Lun4t1C riZe [9:10]: ha-ha.
Lun4t1C riZe [9:10]: ha-ha.
Lun4t1C riZe [9:10]: ha-ha.
[9:10]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
keran riZe [9:10]: nice server
[9:10]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
elc riZe [9:10]: dont unpause
elc riZe [9:10]: getting some tee
[9:10]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[9:10]: Team-ND emoReJ Server command overflow
[9:10]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
elc riZe [9:10]: back
[9:10]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
pumu riZe [9:10]: crozz reboot?
[9:10]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: emorejs graphic card blew up
pumu riZe [9:10]: n1
Team-ND aCoZz [9:10]: :]
[9:10]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
LiciD riZe [9:10]: another power supply?
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: we play 5vs6 np
[9:10]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: hes BacK
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: at vent
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: in teh culb
LiciD riZe [9:10]: nice
Team-ND asd. /// [9:10]: bought new card np
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: 5 minutes more hes here
[9:10]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
LiciD riZe [9:10]: admin pause
[9:10]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: hes coming..
[9:10]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
pumu riZe [9:10]: lOl
[9:10]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:10]: Player connected
[9:10]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: np
[9:10]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:10]: FIGHT!
[9:10]: Match is PAUSED! (Referee)
[9:10]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
Team-ND aCoZz [9:09]: unpause mega mate
[EC]n3co'- [9:09]: both clans are ready?
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: yah
Team-ND aCoZz [9:10]: yes
[9:10]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
LiciD riZe [9:10]: 999
pumu riZe [9:10]: orly
Team-ND JaKaZc [9:10]: ND IS READY
LiciD riZe [9:09]: pl
LiciD riZe [9:10]: ok:)
pumu riZe [9:09]: yes go
keran riZe [9:09]: go
LiciD riZe [9:10]: unpause
[9:10]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[EC]n3co'- [9:10]: hf again
[9:10]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
Team-ND ferus [9:10]: gl neco
[9:10]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[9:10]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:10]: FIGHT!
Team-ND emoReJ [9:10]: soz
[EC]n3co'- [9:08]: thx
Team-ND ferus [9:05]: =))
[9:05]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[EC]n3co'- [9:01]: :)
[8:55]: The side gate has been built!
[8:46]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
iTG'TosspoT [8:41]: DONT PASS TO Me, security here
[8:32]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:31]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[8:29]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:09]: The side gate has been destroyed!
iTG'TosspoT [8:00]: rofl
[6:10]: butchji connected
[6:01]: The Allies team is now locked!
[5:41]: butchji player kicked
[5:41]: butchjihas been kicked!
[EC]n3co'- [5:19]: spectators are not allowed
iTG'TosspoT [4:45]: who picked which map?
[EC]n3co'- [4:35]: rize - braun / nd - radar
iTG'TosspoT [4:30]: affirmative
[EC]n3co'- [4:27]: :)
iTG'TosspoT [4:27]: thank you my love
[EC]n3co'- [4:24]: hehe np
iTG'TosspoT [4:23]: n3co from austria?
[EC]n3co'- [4:20]: yep
iTG'TosspoT [4:12]: you played in NC season 1 right?
[EC]n3co'- [4:06]: right :)
iTG'TosspoT [3:52]: n2y with the panzer on oasis, oh my my
[EC]n3co'- [3:49]: and the other nc seasons as well except the last one
[EC]n3co'- [3:43]: hehe against sweden the walljump :P
iTG'TosspoT [3:39]: finland!
iTG'TosspoT [3:32]: get it right :(
[EC]n3co'- [3:29]: =)
LiciD riZe [2:32]: gg
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[2:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
conr4d #Pr3dS.Radio [2:29]: gg
[EC]n3co'- [2:28]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 8:05 (original: 10:30)
Team-ND ferus [Intermission]: leet
Team-ND emoReJ [Intermission]: 0-8 nP
Team-ND aCoZz [Intermission]: nice dmg ferus
pumu riZe [Warmup]: attack
vp.ETTV1 [Warmup]: | visit us for more information on this game. |
vp.ETTV1 [Warmup]: | www.GamesTV.org - #GamesTV.org |
vp.ETTV1 [Warmup]: | This broadcast is powered by |
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: shoutout to irz btw :p
Lun4t1C riZe [Warmup]: bye :P
elc riZe [Warmup]: shoutout to luna
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: AND TO LINA
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: AND PDN
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: and vaiko.....
pumu riZe [Warmup]: butch coming
Team-ND ferus [Warmup]: tag up !
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: check guid i think its mystic
iTG-stewie [Warmup]: speak up!
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: no he is buthji
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: :)
keran riZe [Countdown]: guid changer
Team-ND JaKaZc [Countdown]: :/
pumu riZe [Countdown]: gl + hdf
[EC]n3co'- [Countdown]: gl hf to both clans
Lun4t1C riZe [Countdown]: gambit said Im the new mystic
[11:34]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[EC]n3co'- [11:34]: why pause
[11:34]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[EC]n3co'- [11:34]: hehe
pumu riZe [11:34]: tacs
[11:34]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[11:34]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[11:34]: FIGHT!
Team-ND emoReJ [11:34]: n
iTG-stewie [11:24]: u sound very far away toss
iTG-stewie [11:16]: furhter than earlier
[10:41]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[10:24]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[10:05]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:59]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[7:59]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[7:56]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:31]: [Goodserver.de]Shidima.ET timed out
[6:55]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[5:30]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 6:30
Lun4t1C riZe [Countdown]: Have fun. :)
Team-ND aCoZz [Countdown]: same
iTG'TosspoT [4:56]: i fucking wish they'd stop tripple killing, this hurts my head
[EC]n3co'- [4:49]: hehe
conr4d #Pr3dS.Radio [4:47]: :D
[4:41]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:12]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[3:58]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[3:50]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
iTG-stewie [3:47]: You should be drunk more often:-)
[2:02]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[1:58]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[0:47]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
pumu riZe [0:07]: elc owns
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (6:30)
conr4d #Pr3dS.Radio [Intermission]: gg xD
Lun4t1C riZe [Intermission]: =)
WooKasH #Pr3dS.Radio [Intermission]: elc gg :P
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: team nd head or tails?
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: HEADS
pumu riZe [Warmup]: tails
elc riZe [Warmup]: bug
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: team nd will start with the elimination
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: maplist - adlernest, frostbite, sd2, sw_gr_te
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: gold
pumu riZe [Warmup]: lol
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: maplist - adlernest, frostbite, sd2
Lun4t1C riZe [Warmup]: frost out
[EC]n3co'- [Warmup]: maplist - adlernest, sd2
Team-ND JaKaZc [Warmup]: sd2 out
pumu riZe [Warmup]: lol
[13:03]: The Doors are opening!!
[12:43]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[12:43]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Team-ND ferus [12:23]: nice
Team-ND ferus [12:07]: gg
[12:04]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 2:56
iTG'TosspoT [Intermission]: pumu sucks imo
[2:04]: The Doors are opening!!
iTG'TosspoT [2:03]: WHAM BAM SHAZAM
[1:57]: Main blast door opening!
[1:49]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[1:49]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[0:47]: Main blast door closing!
[0:36]: Main blast door opening!
elc riZe [0:26]: wp
[0:26]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 2:29 (original: 2:56)
Team-ND ferus [Intermission]: gg
Team-ND aCoZz [Intermission]: <- POTM
Team-ND aCoZz [Intermission]: THX
Team-ND aCoZz [Intermission]: FFS
Team-ND aCoZz [Intermission]: !!!
Team-ND emoReJ [Intermission]: lol
Team-ND ferus [Intermission]: ggs now_
Team-ND JaKaZc [Intermission]: gg
Team-ND ferus [Intermission]: ?
iTG-stewie [Intermission]: unbelievable!
[EC]n3co'- [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: keran riZe disconnected
iTG-stewie [Intermission]: GG!
Team-ND emoReJ [Intermission]: pls
[Intermission]: pumu riZe disconnected
Team-ND emoReJ [Intermission]: tg asd
[Intermission]: Team-ND asd. /// disconnected
Lun4t1C riZe [Intermission]: Good map imo
LiciD riZe [Intermission]: gg
Lun4t1C riZe [Intermission]: :))
[Intermission]: LiciD riZe disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.