ET-Center 1-Day 6v6 Cup (2818 Views)


what is exactly the point of putting this when euros come here more then north americans.. Thats were the gameservers will be just so people know
hmm, american servers = no chance to see us in this cup

plus these twl / sta configs are shit
i dont see any problems playing with a stable 200 or 250 ping
Matter of opinion, I'm just stating mine.
euros always whine cause lags. i dont get it. if u play with 300 ping ur unhitable , and says that lag is advantage , and when u say " hey lets play in usa server for same ping" they said no....

get 6 skilled and play us in usa server !! #team-chile @qnet.
gl =)!
thats what i thought hVk :D
Yeah I don't see many Euro teams going for it.

Well, you know to make the cup more "Euro-Friendly" you could just let Euros upload the TWL / STA configs to their own servers and play on their own servers... Or you could just use the clanbase configs ^^

I'm guessing if this were allowed more euro teams would enter and play.
3 EST = ? GMT
the banner is so l33t!
Anyway GL (just because i <3 Amerika!)
vendetta - stop sucking dicks left and right
hvk - this is an american cup, if you don't want to play then don't sign up. It's that simple. The guy is just trying to get more teams.
LAWL PMS MORE PLEASE! ceres3 need to get over yourself just cuz the majority of the players here r euros and would bitch about ping immediately when getting onto the NA servers.. common sense
U MAD DOOD? Cuz i'm not
nope just don't see why you would say stop sucking dicks left and right when i was agreeing with him.
is that 9 CET?
yes, its 9CET. there will be ettvs.

here is the team list:
Rocket Fish
United Attraction (u5/fa)
Xtreme Fragz
Bus Drivers

cup bracket:

the ettvs will be:
maybe SNL!: