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eSports Scene News
QL CTF Autumn 4v4 League
This autumn we are hosting a QuakeLive CTF 4v4 league, just as in the good old days. The main difference with lots of other CTF-related ... » read more
HoQ CTF League
House of Quake will hold a Capture the Flag League starting in early May. This is a new edition of a well-established competitive game mode ... » read more
My 2nd PQL frag movie
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Prague Lan 2024 powered by Surfshark
Date: 22.-24.3.2024 Location: Prague, Czechia Gamemode: 5v5 CTF & Duel Format: CTF is Groupstage BO1, top4 BO3 single elimination ... » read more
Reflections with vengeuR: Almost Lost Dad Before WC Final!
vengeuR discusses his ability to beat rapha, his strange friendship with RAISY who he doesn't practice with, what makes k1llsen's style ... » read moreET Anniversary LAN
written by Sebhes on 06.02.23 22:06
Final Post: ET Anniversary LAN
Dear ET community,
We are immensely excited to announce the upcoming LAN event for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, the ET Anniversary LAN! This milestone event to celebrate 20 years of ET is around the corner and promises to be an unforgettable experience for all participants. To ensure everyone can stay updated and engaged throughout the event, we have prepared a comprehensive overview with all the essential links and information you need.
First and foremost, if you can't attend the event in person, don't worry! You can still catch all the games live on Twitch. Make sure to tune in to our official Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/devetlegacy and immerse yourself in the intense gameplay and incredible talent on display.
Dear ET community,
We are immensely excited to announce the upcoming LAN event for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, the ET Anniversary LAN! This milestone event to celebrate 20 years of ET is around the corner and promises to be an unforgettable experience for all participants. To ensure everyone can stay updated and engaged throughout the event, we have prepared a comprehensive overview with all the essential links and information you need.
First and foremost, if you can't attend the event in person, don't worry! You can still catch all the games live on Twitch. Make sure to tune in to our official Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/devetlegacy and immerse yourself in the intense gameplay and incredible talent on display.
PREVIEW ET LAN: 20th Anniversary
written by Sebhes on 17.10.22 21:11
On the 29th of May, 2003 a game was released that was titled: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Please, read that again. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. A game that turned out to be a tremendous milestone for gaming history. Next year, 2023, marks the 20th anniversary of our beloved game and we will celebrate this incredible landmark in style.
New ETL server
written by brAhi on 23.05.22 13:53
Dear Friends,
I wanna invite you to new public server.
20 slots... Gathers map...
All new and older players welcome.
See you there!
ET: Legacy 3on3 Ladder
written by zenix on 21.03.22 18:30
Finally the long awaited ET: Legacy 3on3 Ladder announcement is here! Ladder system is now ready and waiting for you to join in! The official ladder's website is https://reddal.gg/, where you can already sign-up, create your team and challenge others to score points and get a position on a ladder.
To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, we highly advice you to read the ladder's rules before you engage in your first game. The rules are available both on the Reddal website: https://reddal.gg/ladder/enemy-territory-3-on-3/rules and on our Discord server: ladder-3on3-rules.
To assure constant improvement of the ladder system we launched ladder-feedback channel on our discord, where you can report things that you think don't work as they should.
To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, we highly advice you to read the ladder's rules before you engage in your first game. The rules are available both on the Reddal website: https://reddal.gg/ladder/enemy-territory-3-on-3/rules and on our Discord server: ladder-3on3-rules.
To assure constant improvement of the ladder system we launched ladder-feedback channel on our discord, where you can report things that you think don't work as they should.