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eSports Scene News

250 FPS QL League
The league starts on this Sunday, October 13. The first stage is 10 weekly tournaments with different map pools, where the participants are ... » read more
QL CTF Autumn 4v4 League
This autumn we are hosting a QuakeLive CTF 4v4 league, just as in the good old days. The main difference with lots of other CTF-related ... » read more
HoQ CTF League
House of Quake will hold a Capture the Flag League starting in early May. This is a new edition of a well-established competitive game mode ... » read more
My 2nd PQL frag movie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rating: 8.4 (8 votes) Don't take your girl to the cinema, better save money and check the tape: ... » read more

ET Anniversary LAN

written by nl Sebhes on 06.02.23 22:06

PREVIEW ET LAN: 20th Anniversary

written by nl Sebhes on 17.10.22 21:11

New ETL server

written by gb brAhi on 23.05.22 13:53

ET: Legacy 3on3 Ladder

written by nl zenix on 21.03.22 18:30