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eSports Scene News

CSQL Autumn league Finals day
The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here - Finals Day is upon us! This Saturday, November 30th, we kick things off at 18:45 ... » read more
Frazer "Fraze" Hockley has passed away
In Memory of Frazer "Fraze" Hockley It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the passing of our dear friend and esteemed ... » read more
HoQ TDM 4v4 Winter Season 2025
The Tournament start will be Monday 13th of January 2025, when hopefully all are back from their holidays. The donated prizemoney so far ... » read more
250 FPS QL League
The league starts on this Sunday, October 13. The first stage is 10 weekly tournaments with different map pools, where the participants are ... » read more

ET Anniversary LAN

written by nl Sebhes on 06.02.23 22:06

PREVIEW ET LAN: 20th Anniversary

written by nl Sebhes on 17.10.22 21:11

New ETL server

written by gb brAhi on 23.05.22 13:53

ET: Legacy 3on3 Ladder

written by nl zenix on 21.03.22 18:30