zero.E vs Squad ee (3974 views)

be FrauWe
be iMmi
be Nazty
ru Dzagoev
nl Barbon
nl vis
ee JyrkZ
ee popz
ee subb
ee mant
fr k2k
de stownage
ca monkey
18.10.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Skeit (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6436
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 3
By: Skeit (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


1st gl to us
tg pour voir?
chu entrein de reformater mon ordinateur LOL, mon ordi a chier a matin, plus pire que la semaine passer XD je pouvais mm pu ecouter de la musique, jouer a aucun JEU, je pouvais pu copier/coller quelquechose, je pouvais pu aller sur ventrilo, jetais rendu avec un genre de windows 95 ... pi qd javais une fenetre douverte, je pouvais mm pas la voir dans la barre demarrer
bravo nub
mais la sa fait chier, jviens de perdre ma game des Sims 3 LOL :( :D.
jvais arreter la porno lol, comme ca je ne vais pu pogner de virus -_-

jaimais bien
back to salaire minimum:D
ouais mais je vais repogner 600$ / heure rapidement LOL XD
c est toi la gueule mangeur de karibou
gl to
% GL R00NNY!!!! ;XD
GL JYRKZ, own them.
gL moNkey, k2k & stoNi
fuckin stownage is going dooooooooooooown!
we are 3rd and only 3 points to reach 1st place :DDDDD
and you are 12th or 14th :ppppp <3
gL & hf
viewers piek 0 xD i can smell it :)
go zeroE gl boy you can do this <3
barbon is een pwner!
gij lelijke spammer , btw kan nie pracce vanavond ma ga wel op tijd zijn voor dees hier
i can't play, my PC doesn't work :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
gL <3 <3 too easy for subb
on la gagne pour toi
frauwe <333 gogo !
4-0 squad
gg, gl in premier
They were just better not counting our 6th wasn't in the mood and going covert and panzer in attack whenever he liked.

oh and btw skeit here is the rule

4.4.Clans may refuse a Referee for the following reasons:

◦The Referee has the same nationality as the majority of players in the other clan.

not that we care or something ; just to teach you some professional behaviour
hebt ge verlore??? wtf :S khad meer verwacht van u immi echt ge stelt me teleur =(
rules are rules but did the admin get punished or the clan?
i didn't even know that we got a referee that want to spec, so why should the clan get punished for that? admins should know the rules
I didn't said you should be punished , not at all . Its just to point out how easy you can spec and sit on vent with your friends @ an OC match . And no I'm also not saying skeit was on vent with you guys , but its just a matter of being mature and professional.

The only thing I'm blaming is the server he picked , I always remember which gtv servers are good after requesting a couple matches . While skeit already requested 1384940 onedaycup finals and still he picks shit servers

well, that's skeit :D
u should be punished for being a scheisse fan.

forfeit loss ty
wp <3
I love you
how is your computer man?