Spain vs Romania (7807 views)

29.01.12 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
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Maps: | Supply | |
Bremen_b3 | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 246
Viewer Peak: 246

Easy bash for Spain. MEthojeeeeeee LOLLLLLLLL <333333
Metho + Redeo + Flat = Easy easy
Metho + Redeo + Flat = Easy easy
easy easy

You have 121 on es ESP
Possible win: 227.48
vamos blublu jaymod player <3!!!!!!
Possible win: 227.48
vamos blublu jaymod player <3!!!!!!
Multa bafta RO!
GL Team Spain <3
gl methoj!
HAHAHAH i dont know anyone of team-spain these days...
gengiz? radifz? wing? etc... some wA! players are alive to response thx :D
gengiz? radifz? wing? etc... some wA! players are alive to response thx :D
they just quit the game
not realle =)
Wont play with spanishlowbobs, and they dont aply for captain because they dont have 6 uberskilled players for play, just that. =)
como que no?
zwei,magico,zamora,Head,markus y tinez np
zwei,magico,zamora,Head,markus y tinez np
Sin menospreciar a los que has puesto creo que la líneaup de ahora y tú(aunque no seas santo de mi devocion) no estaría mal del todo,pero siempre está mejor con amiguitos.
no lo pregunto con mal rollo, pero por qué no te has presentado para capitán?
tengo examenes la semana que viene,no tengo tiempo para jugar casi ...menos aun para andar organizando a la gente, que encima luego todo el mundo suda de movidas :D
y yo, soy de España :$
por eso sera xD
Si no jugais es porque no quereis, porque yo puse a todos, creo que no me olvide a nadie. Pero si no quereis, no puedo hacer nas jugar for fun. No hay problema.
Nah todo es culpa tuya,no tenemos trabajo ni dinero ni goma 2 para tú MOTO .en fin eres la puta peste.te pires mourinho ...digo mankoje.pestoso.
Gl cerdas
Gl cerdas
for fun? ah, pero lo de jugar no es siempre for fun? :0
Dales duro a todos Metho!!!
Dales duro a todos Metho!!!
polass y mankus no estan ?y el hayes ? xD
hf :)
hf :)
gl methoj!
gl tzuku, bullet & nebu <3
gl devil
Vaya no me lo esperaba...

k hace tu x aki cojone jejejejeej k mamona
ajajaja de vez en cuando entro a ver lerdos por aqui :D
GL Team Romania
gl lover bullet tzuku :)
BAFTA baieti!!!
gl methoj, russa y bLubLu <3 <3
es una donna especiale :D
"Players are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 3rd of October 2011. Activity can be defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included). The activity period ends on Monday 30th of January 2012 (start of Matchweek 2), this way teamplayers can practice with each other. Exceptions may apply."
They arent all 5 of them in a team registered in CB. In CB there are only 3 players in the same team that are playing for Team Romania: Lover, Tzuku and Bullet are playing for RR the rest arent
They arent all 5 of them in a team registered in CB. In CB there are only 3 players in the same team that are playing for Team Romania: Lover, Tzuku and Bullet are playing for RR the rest arent
nebu play with they tooo so please sstop romanian mad../... jimmy to ..
Ro rebels : Jimmy,lovel,bulet,nebu,mili tzuku
Team romania BULLET LOVER JIMMY NEBU MILI , ronney?
so scuk my dick romanian nerd..
Ro rebels : Jimmy,lovel,bulet,nebu,mili tzuku
Team romania BULLET LOVER JIMMY NEBU MILI , ronney?
so scuk my dick romanian nerd..
the RR 6on6 team is a MIX team
You should use your brain(although I'm pretty sure you don't have one).
The Ro Rebels 6on6 team played only in ESL and not in CB.
The Ro Rebels 6on6 team played only in ESL and not in CB.
who even cares
exactly :D
Mucha Suerte !! :>
Vamos Nenko como buen "DogWarS" ....AL ATAKE MI PERRO!!!!!!
Suerte hermano
Suerte hermano
gracias crack <3
waaaahh damn :"
what the hell is this, no magico, no zwei, no gengis
magico, winghaven, gengis, radifz, zwei, wezor ? :D
Dont know those guiys,fake nicks for sure.
why include zwei there?
gl, Nenko
gracias compi :D
methoj, put the game 1 or 2 hours earlier so we can play :D
we can play at 21:30 or 21:00 if you cant play at 21:30 will be forced 21:00 soooo see you @ 21:00
ok 21:00 CET it is
Asta e meciul decisiv, parerea mea. Daca bateti Spania, aveti o sansa. Bazati-va pe teamplay si nu pe aim.
wtf ???
Where is nApix ? :D
Where is nApix ? :D
daca ma lasati fara bani si de data asta jur ca nu mai pariez never pe RO
Gl RO, asta e echipa de batut dupa parerea mea
Gl RO, asta e echipa de batut dupa parerea mea
pai pui si u bani knd nu trebe...
orq ..hai baietii ! [edit] si fetele
orq ..hai baietii ! [edit] si fetele
GL romania mates <3
GL bullet and jimmy!
gl redeu !
GL Romania
russafa team spain :)
LOL viewer peak :D
gl spain

-at the same time Estonia vs Iceland just 2 stars ?
Viewer Peak: 246
strange :p
strange :p
fucked up, the same ETTV server got used for another match aswell, so the viewer peak is from the other match :P
yup or maybe someone connecting with bot ^^
still better than nothing hehe
still better than nothing hehe
bai frate, sa fac infarct nu alta, pe jim asta unde l-ati gasit ?
dc infarctule ?
ai jucat execrabil, mai ales pe bremen, erai fdop la geamu ala nu nimereai nimic, noroc cu tzuku care a jucat destul de bine si apara el partea aia si iti mai dadea si viata din 3 in 3 secunde
pai normal omu...daca arti da fop's dau tras uita-te naibii bine..prin ce geam trag eu si pe unde trag daca pa pun crouch acolo la geam...doar ala trage in mine eu vad cariile din tocul geamului... dar cum toti de pe ETTV vad doar greselile noastre ii felicit...;)...un lucru bun nu se vede...
si app daca tzuku nu avea ce mai omora ?... ala e juma din teamplay echipei...zic eu...
si app daca tzuku nu avea ce mai omora ?... ala e juma din teamplay echipei...zic eu...
lasa-i ma sa comenteze:)) fa ca mine si ca <faky> ma pis pe tine... ce draq vere comentati in plm la meciurile voastre pe care nu le aveti!!!!
Wooden Spoon Award, 3rd in a row ! :)
You have 5 on ROM
You lost
haters gonna hate
You lost
haters gonna hate
nebu nationscup mvp, saying this without awtching the reply