Gambling Stats

fr TaakeN's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 99 Total Set Money 9787 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 91.63 € Total Capital 91.63 €

Recent Bets

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Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 25.04.10 20:45 Pret a Poutrer fr 1.73 vs. 2.37 fr Catharsis bullet Zealot 100 € on fr PaP Lost
et 25.04.10 20:00 Die Pimmelbande #sGp de 1.30 vs. 4.30 eu Great Method 76 € on de PB #sGp Lost
et 25.04.10 19:00 xZist - Gaming gb 1.11 vs. 10.32 de laNiNa 13 € on gb xZist Bet was cancelled
et 11.04.10 21:30 Catharsis bullet Zealot fr 1.26 vs. 4.81 eu newind.energiz 100 € on eu nwd.EZ Lost
et 11.04.10 21:15 disturb fr 3.71 vs. 1.37 fi Duck n Cover 100 € on fr dSb Bet was cancelled
et 11.04.10 21:15 In7-eSports Fanatics eu 3.03 vs. 1.49 fr iNet.outlaw 56 € on fr INET Lost
et 11.04.10 21:00 EASY MODE sc 1.78 vs. 2.29 gb Impact Gaming 100 € on sc EASY Bet was cancelled
et 11.04.10 21:00 sixaim fr 1.89 vs. 2.12 fr nubZ - Team 100 € on fr 6aim Won 189€
et 11.04.10 20:00 oXimize pl 1.07 vs. 14.78 be IntensitY 100 € on be iY Lost
et 11.04.10 20:00 Belgian Fraternity be 1.40 vs. 3.50 fr FaMaS 50 € on fr FaMaS Bet was cancelled
et 09.04.10 16:00 rMx be 9.11 vs. 1.12 eu GENETIC 100 € on eu GENETIC^ Won 112€
et 08.04.10 22:30 colt 45 and two zig Zags gb 1.84 vs. 2.19 eu nulli secundus 73 € on gb colt45 Won 134€
et 08.04.10 22:00 [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe eu 2.71 vs. 1.59 fr Frogz Squad 115 € on fr frog Won 183€
et 08.04.10 21:00 Pharaons fr 1.51 vs. 2.95 fi Improper Bastars 100 € on fr PHA Won 151€
et 08.04.10 21:00 eu 1.34 vs. 3.92 se addicted 2 id 50 € on eu follow - Won 67€
et 08.04.10 20:00 Nothing is Impossible be 2.15 vs. 1.87 nl DreaM 33 € on nl DreaM Bet was cancelled
et 07.04.10 22:30 France fr 3.65 vs. 1.38 nl Netherlands 101 € on fr FRA Won 369€
et 07.04.10 21:30 eXert pl 1.39 vs. 3.55 fr CPC poulpes 18 € on fr (p) Bet was cancelled
et 07.04.10 21:00 Finland fi 1.11 vs. 10.34 gb United Kingdom 15 € on gb UK Lost
et 07.04.10 21:00 rockit.ET de 1.32 vs. 4.13 nl Friends in Forces 50 € on de Ri Lost
et 04.04.10 21:00 colt 45 and two zig Zags gb 1.77 vs. 2.30 de rockit.ET 34 € on de Ri Won 78€
et 02.04.10 21:00 eVo.ET pl 4.52 vs. 1.28 fr oVertime 69 € on fr oVertime Won 88€
et 01.04.10 21:00 disturb fr 7.80 vs. 1.15 pl ankh 12 € on fr dSb Won 94€
et 31.03.10 21:00 disturb fr 1.38 vs. 3.67 eu /<OMARS 23 € on fr dSb Won 32€
et 29.03.10 21:00 Belgian Fraternity be 1.20 vs. 6.12 gb Infused 6 € on be bF Won 7€
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