:h - Clan Poland vs high five (5952 views)

pl fanatic
pl sw1ruz
pl ska
pl Jadol
pl hassaN
pl dnl
pl syriusZ
pl stexx
pl winq
pl ryzu
09.09.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #evu.cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Robert (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 17836
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


i na chuj mnie dodales do lu jak wiesz ze nie zagram
bo jestes pedalem kropka.
zdejmij brzuch z klawiatury - dziekuje :*
jadol tylko im naszej takty nie mow bo Ci wjazd zrobi morda nie szklanka lks limanka
bylem tam kiedys XD szkoda ze nie bedzie cie w poniedzialek :O(
ja w pon wlasnie w tamtych rejonach bede :XD
wszyscy to wiedza lks ma kurwe za miedza
autofill z gtv
easy :h !
izi high5 :)))
nie wiem czemu ludzie na nas stawiaja :XD
1st non-polish comment
You have € 127 on pl CPL
Possible win: € 254

dzieki syriusz :*
You have € 1000 on pl CPL
You won € 2000

You have € 200 on pl CPL
You won € 400
You have € 100 on high5
You have € 150 on high5
jebane low

You have € 700 on pl high5
You lost

You have € 1000 on pl CPL
You won € 2000
You have € 1000 on CPL
You won € 2000 :):)
jebane low

You have € 250 on high5
You lost

to lose vs obvious cheater isnt a shame!
fanatic - ESL banned
sw1ruz - ESL banned

Cool cup, Homer m8. :D
You're just banning everyone now arint you ;P
banned for 10 years for nothing h3h33 good admin
Seems like you have the same problem as that decimate fellow.
jadolllllllllllll <333 :))) nice 2 c u backzzz