Netherlands vs Czech Republic (7215 views)

nl Ati_
nl joshua
nl Lun4t1C
nl saKen
nl xPERiA
cz denton
cz jalo
cz Green_clon
cz malfoy
cz milhAus
20.02.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LION (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 127839
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 122


hf saKen
gl NED hf CZE :P .. Greene snaz se neco hrat ,a nestezuj si na net:)
gl malfoy!
izi pz for ned.
gl NL ... green,jalo,denton
go go CZE! jak rekl kapitan tAmjee je to spise gather ;) :) GL denton!
gl milhAus
izi nl
You have € 913 on cz CZE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4610.65
kurva kde je cypis ?!!

+++cypis !
lol hovno vs kankerpenis
GL cze <3 green clon
gl jalo and milhaus
gl NED, hf CZE gogogogo milhAussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ! =)
green clon !!
no TeKoa and no perfo ... = no match :P
it will be izi bash against this gather :)
You have 500 on CZE
Possible win: 2720
kdes tolik vzal mi rekni
diverzifikace portfolia
gl milhAus :P jalo :) green_clon :)
I see NL playing with this lineup all the time, are these the 5 basic players now? Or will it still be
mixed every match?

Anyway GL
QuoteI see NL playing with this lineup all the time

QuoteOr will it still be
mixed every match?

joshua playing with west and NL?
You have € 250 on cz CZE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6607.5
Gl kluci :P hlavně ten svinak milhAus :D
Will be played at 21:00 because joshua is playing with west atm
GL Green_clon
You have € 250 on CZE
Possible win: € 6360

do toho
gl CZE
4:2 for NDL
so... score?
saKen over hayaa.....gtfo!
[19:05:00] * iym|`Rickkk was kicked by ovr-saKen (Testing... Worked.)

you mad?!
Jezis marja fakt ... to je hnus ... super repre ... jeste ze nad tema slovakama vyhraly to je ostudy ... zlata era loocka
Verim hochum, ze to z jejich strany nebyl posledni vystrel. A ty tu nepanikar moulo :). Sam by si uhral prd.
rika radoby skilla
By ses divil co bych uhral,nepanikarim spis mam pravdu kluci tam hraly strasny hovno ...
Uhral by si vic nez kdo?
kasli nato.. medzi Cechmi je velmi vela wnbikov..