ReFLX vs iOwnage (3776 views)

fr Ange
fr yokoo
fr Snatix
fr damos
fr Pupa
fr Kaisen
cz bobika
nl esSe
nl Testi
be ViKO
pt slapper
02.04.15 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: pupa (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3272
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl all :)
Que le dieu de la solidité soit avec vous mes amis.
yo snatix or who's the leader

can I play without it? :D
La team omgomg
Damn those frenchies.
they rolled pretty well.

Wp Snatix & co.

Bobke rolling, hihi
GG esSe (:
Match link:
Player: Netherlands esSe (Axis)
Time: 06:54
Map: Supply
Short description of the kill: 4 man thompson within 7 seconds
He is a beast.
We call him 'the One Man Army'.
Everyone should fear him.
Piss in your pants when you see him.
Go home, or man up when you fight him.

He will kill you. he will kill you all!
He is a beast, he is the man.
:D strong gaming
You have € 100 on fr rfx
You won € 166

simple argent
Booooo aller quoi il est ou kazim
on est trop nul pour lui
bla bla bla vous aussi putain le nerd
Holy shit it's flower! Thought you died somewhere, where were you
lel :D im not dead yet, nor its planned in the nearer future. been busy with studying.. nor im interested in playing et teamwise ;) just logged in after ages to write some random shit because the first game i saw had u involved and i was like holy crap, this guy still nerds hard :DDDD