Draco vs IefNaij (5211 views)

pl Protoss
ca Protoss
1st place match

Winner gets $5000.
Loser gets $2000.

FAQ kk?!: It's a Replay to prevent lag (played right after the game is played), the commentary is live, they dont know the results.
Dude with the chill voice is Chill, other one is Artosis, Hotbid camera man.
Red supply = at or above limit, yellow = 2 or 1 under limit.
Green minerals and gas with a "+" means minerals/gas harvest in the last minute.
Streamlink for VLC or other mediaplayer: mms://hatchery.teamliquid.net:9999/

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Game: sc Starcraft
League: Razer Teamliquid StarLeague
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: ng (Highadmin)
Maps: Othello
Blue Storm
Wuthering Heights

Total Pot: € 2865
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
Razer TSL Stream
By: ng
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: english

Viewer Peak: unknown


omg 5000$ !
DRAKO will take it !

omg real money! :o)
:OOO gl Draco
Hosting: Self Organised
nice prizemoney or what?
teamliquid is hosting this league. however the prizemoney is given by the mainsponsor razer.
GL Draco !
ez for Draco
go go go Draco!
You have € 499 on Draco
Possible win: € 568.86
hmm, gogo ;D
Go IefNaij move!!! yOu WiN
is it online?

check #teamliquid on irc quakenet!

it's SHOWTIME!!1
2:0 for draco atm, i lold @ 4000 minerals
btw, co to za piosenka co na intro leci ;o
2:2 ;o Draco :<
stream down?
You have € 16 on ca IefNaij
Possible win: € 129.92

Easy money, 3-2. :)
omfg... Draco :<
i don't know much about starcraft but it was an exciting, intense game nonetheless.

You have € 8 on ca IefNaij
You won € 64.96

easy money :) just bet on the guy that looks asian ;D
its easy, dont ever bet on the polish.. unless gnajda is playing
Win Win Win yeahhhh Respect Canada
canadians always win, hands downnnnnnnnn
since the purpose of the Canada All-stars event was to show the world that we pwn at gaming, I think we can just nuke the event after seeing this match ^^ wp Azn canadian xD