Forum » Smalltalk » I need » Can you get this money?

fi BinniFreyr
Can you get this money? on 08.04.09 00:54
I need the some of the cash that I am winning here how can I do that:D?
de cl4ym4n
get a job
de DeVito
betting with real money is not possible at the moment.
fi BinniFreyr
I have a job:)
de sHiZo
You can't be serious! :D
de skooli
irony detector, status: broken
ee Popidiot
binni iceland lul -:-D
fi TaZ
Member Since 30th March 2009

Says a lot
nl expand
rofl=D go bet on american NBA:P
M6mmi deleted his own post (12.04.09 11:28)
ee M6mmi
es m1st3r
Total Money 15.92 €
Total Capital 25.92 €

why do u need this? :XD
nl cattle<3zenix
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