CyberGamer EU ET Season 1 (26166 Views)
written by ohurcool on 18.02.14 18:39
Forty-four days have gone by since CyberGamer EU Enemy Territory was officially launched. Over 650 matches have been played since then with a total of 150 teams currently enrolled in the 3on3 & 6on6 ladders. About two weeks ago, CGAC was updated in order to add support for ET. Now, it's time for some cups!
I'm happy to announce CyberGamer EU ET Season 1! Signups are now open and will remain open until Monday the 3rd of March.
General Information
The first official ET cup season on CyberGamer EU will have two different formats: 3on3 and 6on6. We're doing our best to make things as familiar as possible, so it will be quite similar to ClanBase cup seasons.
Season 1 will be run in two stages, starting with a league and followed by a tournament.
Stage 1: League
The first stage will be a league, which is sort of like an organized ladder and is similar to a Groupstage on ClanBase. Matches are played round robin style, meaning that all teams play versus each other once. There will be matchweeks with unscheduled matches being forced weekly. Teams are free to play their matches at an earlier or later date if both teams agree, but all matches must be played by the deadline.
We will run two leagues, one for each format. Teams will be split up into divisions based on skill level. The number of divisions and number of teams per division will depend on how many signups we get.
After all league matches have been played, the top x teams from each division will advance to the next stage.
Stage 2: Tournament
The second stage will be a tournament, just like the Playoffs on ClanBase. There will be several tournaments, one for each division in each league. The top x teams from each division will compete in the tournament.
We have not decided yet if the brackets will be single- or double-elimination, mostly because the CG website doesn't fully support double-elimination brackets at the moment. However, we will try to work something out to make double-elimination possible.
Once the tournaments are finished, Season 1 will be over. It should take less than three months from the start of Stage 1 to the end of Stage 2.
Signing Up
In CyberGamer, the system only allows you to join one league or ladder per team, since each one is considered a different game type. Because of this, you will have create a new team to participate in a league for Season 1. If you'd like to participate in both the 3on3 and 6on6 leagues, you will unfortunately have to create two new teams. However, keep in mind that there is an option to create an organization so that all of your teams are displayed neatly on one page.
Once you have created a new team for the league, your team will automatically be added to the waiting pool. If for some reason that doesn't happen, simply visit the league page and click on "Join League". After signups close, we will take all teams in the waiting pool and split them up into the various divisions. Sorry for the inconvenience of being forced to create so many teams, but that is simply how CyberGamer works. The good news is that after this you shouldn't have to create any more teams for future CG EU ET cup seasons.
Please read the rules carefully before signing up!
CyberGamer EU ET 6on6 League
Waiting Pool - Rules
CyberGamer EU ET 3on3 League
Waiting Pool - Rules
3on3 Maplist
adlernest, erdenberg_t1, et_ice, et_ufo_final, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te
6on6 Maplist
adlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, karsiah_te2, missile_b3, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te
Questions & Suggestions
Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment below or visit us on IRC at Please keep in mind that this will be our first time running cups on CG, so it may be a bit of a bumpy ride!
To all those looking to participate or help out this season, thank you and good luck!
ET 6on6 Ladder - ET 6on6 League - ET 3on3 Ladder - ET 3on3 League
I'm happy to announce CyberGamer EU ET Season 1! Signups are now open and will remain open until Monday the 3rd of March.
General Information
The first official ET cup season on CyberGamer EU will have two different formats: 3on3 and 6on6. We're doing our best to make things as familiar as possible, so it will be quite similar to ClanBase cup seasons.
Season 1 will be run in two stages, starting with a league and followed by a tournament.
Stage 1: League
The first stage will be a league, which is sort of like an organized ladder and is similar to a Groupstage on ClanBase. Matches are played round robin style, meaning that all teams play versus each other once. There will be matchweeks with unscheduled matches being forced weekly. Teams are free to play their matches at an earlier or later date if both teams agree, but all matches must be played by the deadline.
We will run two leagues, one for each format. Teams will be split up into divisions based on skill level. The number of divisions and number of teams per division will depend on how many signups we get.
After all league matches have been played, the top x teams from each division will advance to the next stage.
Stage 2: Tournament
The second stage will be a tournament, just like the Playoffs on ClanBase. There will be several tournaments, one for each division in each league. The top x teams from each division will compete in the tournament.
We have not decided yet if the brackets will be single- or double-elimination, mostly because the CG website doesn't fully support double-elimination brackets at the moment. However, we will try to work something out to make double-elimination possible.
Once the tournaments are finished, Season 1 will be over. It should take less than three months from the start of Stage 1 to the end of Stage 2.
Signing Up
In CyberGamer, the system only allows you to join one league or ladder per team, since each one is considered a different game type. Because of this, you will have create a new team to participate in a league for Season 1. If you'd like to participate in both the 3on3 and 6on6 leagues, you will unfortunately have to create two new teams. However, keep in mind that there is an option to create an organization so that all of your teams are displayed neatly on one page.
Once you have created a new team for the league, your team will automatically be added to the waiting pool. If for some reason that doesn't happen, simply visit the league page and click on "Join League". After signups close, we will take all teams in the waiting pool and split them up into the various divisions. Sorry for the inconvenience of being forced to create so many teams, but that is simply how CyberGamer works. The good news is that after this you shouldn't have to create any more teams for future CG EU ET cup seasons.
Please read the rules carefully before signing up!
CyberGamer EU ET 6on6 League
Waiting Pool - Rules
CyberGamer EU ET 3on3 League
Waiting Pool - Rules
- Tuesday, 18th of February - Signups open
- Monday, 3rd of March - Signups close
- Thursday, 6th of March - Leagues online
- Monday, 10th of March - Leagues are live & first matchweek starts
3on3 Maplist
adlernest, erdenberg_t1, et_ice, et_ufo_final, frostbite, sp_delivery_te, supply, sw_goldrush_te
6on6 Maplist
adlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, karsiah_te2, missile_b3, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te
Questions & Suggestions
Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment below or visit us on IRC at Please keep in mind that this will be our first time running cups on CG, so it may be a bit of a bumpy ride!
To all those looking to participate or help out this season, thank you and good luck!
ET 6on6 Ladder - ET 6on6 League - ET 3on3 Ladder - ET 3on3 League
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