colt 45 and two zig Zags vs Zero Empathy FiF (8841 views)

gb KaMzZ
gb razz
fi twidi
nl Ati_
fr emorej
be siL
nl Jo0f
nl vaNq
be fostrum
be Flashy
Winner Bracket - First Round

28.06.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series VI Playoffs » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: m1st3r (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 116157
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 168


GL gbCOLT45!
gl Ati, kaMzZ
gl kamz, razz, ati and my anim hoe
gl emorej
gl ati <3
gl kamzz razz and vanq <3 :)
Good luck should be easy for colt!
You have € 30 on gb colt45 Cancel bet
Possible win: € 34.8 :D
nuggan playing?
gl ,=-45 <3
nuggan playing?
gl colt
gl colt45 <3 ya
izi 4 colts
gl zero lowpathy
now that was uncalled for ":(
:/ since you have no gl from charlieeezed, you are low.
ins :o)

Gl FiF !
will Flashy play?
I will if ESL doesn't act retarded :p
Haha, so you won't...
hope you play and roll nerds :P <3
You have € 250 on zeroE
Possible win: € 3212.5

too bad....close game
gl colt!!!
You have € 38 on zeroE
Possible win: € 524.78
colt all my money FOR YOU!! GO BABES :O
You have € 22 on zeroE
Possible win: € 299.42
gl emorej !
luck flashy
hf boys
well played Ati_
well played Ati_
2-2 ?:D
4:2 colt gg
You have € 10 on colt45
You won € 10.8

easy money :-*
You have € 281 on gb colt45
You won € 303.48

: P thx razz
You have € 32 on eu zeroE
You lost

fo kamz
had such a bad headache during this game D:
I had a good headache yesterday
You have € 80 on eu zeroE
You lost
