Belgium vs Germany (27207 views)

be mAx
be Shewie
be zet0
be lio
be mesq
be mAus
de Hatred
de keran
de ohzor4
de conan
de criatura
de butchji
SemiFinal B
28.01.07 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup X
Manager: Anaconda (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Belgimu imo
btw 1st
ofc belgium.. No Doubt!!!
hey sexierd!
<3 jij hébt mensenkennis!
what are the lineups?
gL belgian brothers
Very close I think... 4-2 GER ?
Are u a ... a... yerman ?
gogo be o/ be !
be imo...
mAus > butchji
not in 6o6.
not in 6on6 and not even close in 3on3...
yep, cuz butchji cant see through the frostbite allies spawn roof
ja jongens het zal moeilijk worden vrees ik :( maar moeilijk gaat ook !
1st !
Your bet: 18€ on GER Possible Win: 90 € (+72 €)

mh : )
mAus is to egoistic to win this one for Belgium...
So Germany>Belgium

deGo, Germany...

maybe you should take your head out of maus's ass. When he played vs cze you could clearly see he wasn't doing anything useful. He was only going for frags. And everybody knows already that he doesn't talK
O_o if butchji_alive = 1 then german_victory = 1
elseif german_victory = 0
wrong syntax
I hope u are not developer in real life...
butchji_ownage = true;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Belgium wins" + ex.Message);
Exception noob - try C++
i dont do c++. only eiffel..
I didnt know that setting a boolean variable to true could raise an exception, in any language.
Belgium <3
kut belgie
Liever belgie dan duitsland??? Omgoat!
en waar zit jullie ''kut nederland'' team?

aja, die verloren 4-0 tegen GER :o
Niet alle nederlands zijn tegen belgië hoor =P
daarom ben ik liever voor belgie dan duitsland ^^ "aap"
Leer lezen!
hehe :p
thorin, mss moest je weten dat hij niet op jou reply-de? :o
mss moet je weten dat ik wel op hem reply-de?
lama zitten, je bent blijkbaar te dom om et te snappen :S
Nederland verloor niet van Duitsland maar van Polen
kut freedune
be Belgium gonna win \o
De beste zal winnen !!!
mAx + shewie + mAus > germany
the A-Team again? (mAx, mAus, dAv1d) :P
well...hard but belgium seems stronger this year... gl both!
hmm gonna be close ...
but i think that be. is gonna win this year
i hope... =)
one of the most interesting matches of the year I think ... Belgium's gonna win, gogo be :)
Be for sure. you must win those NC =) (yo shewii)
gl shewie <3
They have Hatred so np ;)
easy :D
Gogo bel:)
fuck those germans :>
yeah right deus....
ge tp > be aim
Belgium 3.72 vs 1.37 Germany

Wannabe kidding? :o :D ;)
be gonna win this year
otherwise that would mean that finland is a finalist and belgium isnt, although finland lost against belgium 2:4 in group stage

but whatever, de is gonna be bashed
Gogo Be ! :)
GL BE :}
hax v hax
Go Germany go!
Gl be
stats according to cb : 67 % BE 33 % GER

and we all know FIN > POL
BE > NC ?
BE powaaaaaaa hmmmmmmm les frites
gl shewie ganon max
GO belgium ! fuck germany :D would be very interesting match !!
no... FU stupid belgish gay
süß, wie die kleinen kinder sich immer aufregen
achso, übrigens heißt es belgian und nicht belgish
germany will win this easy match :D ... go butchji, go hatred, go urtier :D
Yeah ofc, urtier is gonna pwn the Belgians =_=
you know, urtier isn't even playing
gl belgium :) but i think germany will be a bit stronger 2-4
though i'm sure mAus can make the difference for Belgium when he reaches hes highest level
gl be !
Go team BE. make us proud!! be
yeah... I was watching Snoop...again. I watch him every game now. it's addicting. I just look around the thread & get really pissed at how many people say such dull things and piss me off. Final: GER vs FIN
no tosspot? :<
be be be be be be be be
be be be be be be be [flag=be]
[flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be] [flag=be]
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Yeah you could say it like that, butchji against al those guys from belguim..:D
Very interessting match.
4-2 will be score, but for who? :o:o

To hard to bet :>
line ups?
I hope belgium will win
But i think they won't :(
ohzor4 play, Germany will win
belgium will win
Poland will lose
gogogo BE
Belgium ofc
gonna be a close win for BE i think
Your bet: 70€ on BEL Possible Win: 256 € (+186 €)
errr GL BE !! =o]
ger imo
gl, your gonna need it be =)
hmmmm we will see who wins the match but i thing it germany

GL Bel&Ger
depends what belgiums lineup is tbh, if players like xionn and dav1d play then i can see them at least taking a map otherwise germany will take it.
or you move to belgium today and play with ur hax with belgium against ger
yes that seems like a sensible idea..
Ye indeed team-be got so far because david played for them vs ireland and you could see he was TEH keyplayer vs those owners, same for Xionn. plz... they played maybe 1 war for team-be.
yea true mate ! NC > EC ! ...
im thinking more in terms of belgium playing with there best possible lineup of which players like dav1d and xionn would be in the 6, germany played terrible and beglium took advantage of that.
nations cup finals will end with following result: [flag=fi] suomi 2 : 4 [flag=de] saksa

1st place [flag=de]
2nd place [flag=fi]
3rd place [flag=pl]
I think finland will win final IF they use [flag=fi]DECEM!!!
line ups!!!
gl be...u will need it....germany will get it
i would say same for germany ;)
Your bet: 31€ on BEL Possible Win: 105 € (+74 €)

Go les petits belges ;)
GL and HF
All my money on butchji !!!!!!11 :D
the same for ger? :D they dont need it, they´re good enough!

O*Dog (ger) > Quinne (bel) :D
hmm, imo it is: all > *O*Dog :>
mAus > butchji
Butchji = mAus
Butchji*mAus = Butchji + mAus - ohzor4*shewie
butchji > mAus :D
butchji * Maus = Ger + Bel- butchji - Maus
Your bet: 85€ on BEL Possible Win: 326 € (+241 €)
gl [flag=be] mAus>all
Need Line Ups !!
I hope belgium >:[
272€ on BEL Possible Win: 1085 € (+813 €)
plz win .be
germany will do it, sure!
Gl germany! :D See you on the final!
all my money on bel :D go shewie go
go BEL
axis must win! :D
be !!! , but germany will win this one :'(
This should have been the final :|
go etplayers go :) do your best and team be : play as a team! not like NationsCup IX vs the Nederlands.
very close imo ... Let's see ... Be 4-2 Ger :D
and LINE UP?
Hate both actually but belgen zijn ietsje liever
Final will be FINLAND .vs. Nazis
eazy bash 4 yermany
Your bet: 300€ on GER
Possible Win: 1500 € (+1200 €)
GL Jungs pwnt sie [flag=de] ftw!!!
rofl 1.25 vs 5.00 ! thx for money


Go Belgium :)
2 eaz for germany <333
izi bash for belgium
it won't be that easy for belgium guys.. :S
easy 4 bel
says the man who has stolen 75% of zeto's nick
wow this bet goes from 1.25-5 to 5-1.25 all the time :p
Ger ofc
I > butchji > be
speel verder autocarwash in je douche jonge :p
lol odds?? only freaks betted
zeh yermans fo sho
Belgium 1.25 vs 5.00 Germany Total pot: 277156 €
Your bet: 50€ on GER
Possible Win: 250 € (+200 €)

2easy for ger
gl max, shewie & xionn
easy for ger 300 on them
Belgium 1.25 vs 5.00 Germany :o
Like always... a rich guy trying to fool newbies who just look @ odds to bet :)
The odds just before the match will certainly be Belgium 5.00 vs 1.25 Germany
Your bet: 769€ on BEL Possible Win: 961 € (+192 €)

That's ok to me :)
Belgium 1.25 vs 5.00 Germany

I bet 2000€ on Ger: possible win 10000€ ;)

Ger ihr schafft das :)
lol @ odds gl germany hf both
[FLAG=de]ger tbh :o :(
I will tune in for sTREETFIGHTERS kompetenzteam!
easy bash for germany :)...

GO Hatred and butchji ;)
streetfighters-Comments ftw...

go belgium!!
germany imo coz ger > be
Your bet: 250€ on GER Possible Win: 1190 € (+940 €)

GL Germany :)
[flag=de][flag=de][flag=de][flag=de]Deutschland gewinnt!![flag=de][flag=de][flag=de][flag=de]
sry got offi
BUTCHJI n' ridlla !

...for another splendid game...
nice line up, but where's raziel&replicator?
heh..i just dont want it to come across like i expect people to do it you know? but, well, judging by their popularity, i would say they could belong to this line-up ;)
bet on de.
lineups? go [flag=be] mAus, [flag=be] dAv1d, [flag=be] acid? en zéker clochard [flag=be] lio
buthcji aka butti > other world
GL Doi!tschland :)
mAus > butchji
zeto > Hatred
mAx > sNoOp
and teamplay of german > belgium ...
zet < all ´=)))))))
gl Belgium
belgium lineup = maus zeto shewie max lio mesq
bel for sure
butchji may be better than maus but belgium has very leet players next to maus
german ftw
germany ofc :)
germany \m/ buthcji <3
flying dj <3 nice to see you back
Ich freu mich aufs STREETFIGHTERS Radio! :D
[q] mAus is to egoistic to win this one for Belgium... [/q]

he doesn't share food @ boxroom in braundorf ;<
<3 streetfighters kompetenzrunde
germany please win!:)
wher's [flag=be] dAv1d?
dAv1d will play for aMenti i think
i wonder if biqq would be allowed to play after hx retired from ec
easy for bel
bel ofc
LU Bel: Shewie, mAx, Lio, Zeto, mAus, mesq
LU Ger: Butchji, Hatred, Ohzora, criatura, keran, conan

gl hf both
Hope belgium will win, exciting match!!!
Belgium 2.00 vs 2.00 Germany

Watch out criatura, don't fall asleep when you're on TS :D
omg ciratura...if snoop would play ger would defently win but withou him...
gl belgen but germany will take it
ohhh wee als belgië ni wint eh... dan ist poepeklets :p
mesqi plz, behave :)
no snoop no win
snoop > criatura
gl belgium
very excited about this one, plz dont fuck it up teams. Save your computer problems for another day! That goes for you 2 ETTV! If servers go down for the decider i will die!
gl Be :d
Total pot: 420346 €
ich wusste es 1 stunde vorm match ändern sich die wetten :(
"EaSy BaSh" conan, ohzo :*
gonn be rly close one
Hau sie um cria ;)
50 bucks on BEL
belgium olé olé BLEGIUM olé olé KOMAAN BELGIE :D poept ze FOR FUCK SAKE :D
germany ofc
de eeuwige vete tussen be - nl sux imo , wtf verschillen wij nou =/
bel 4 - 0 ger
GG -,-
yep....I didnt expected that but GG
GOOD GAME BE i am proud xD
ger owned
gl be in final
gl ger in littel final
[flag=de] butchji: 4:0 for Team Germany because we are better!

alles klar, dies bezeichnet man allgemeinhin als Ãœberheblichkeit.
oder gesundes selbstvertrauen :>
na ja, er zumindest war DEUTLICH besser als jeder aus Team BEL, aber es fehlten halt leute wie Snoop, urtier, ramin, evil oder Senji. das beste potential und, wenn alle an bord sind, das mit abstand beste team der welt.
wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass ich falle, hätte ich mich vorher hingelegt...
butchji where have thou gone?
naja unfair wars schon das deutschland zwei mal defenden musste.

errinnert mich irgednwie an die WM, Deutschland gegen Italien. Bei so nem beknackten Schiri. Tja aber was soll man gegen Fehlentscheidungen machen ^^
ja übelste sache bei der WM scheiß schiri unso :<
Belgium 4ll the Way, yoohoo , mAus and co make me proud to be a belgian
Gold is in ! We've already beaten Finland so we're practicly on our way !
O M F G ..

Speak in english what you said about Dutroux please.
he said: PAINFUL to lose against these fucking Dutroux sympathizers

@ UberQ: Umgekehrt würd ich mal die verdammte schnauze halten du huso, weil weisst ja worauf das spiel fundiert ist.... das war kein Angriff gegen euch Deutsche, aber ich habe hier selten Kommentare von solch unglaublicher Dummheit gelesen :/
rede nit mit mir bevor du nit peilst was sache ist, vollidiot.

nu geh wieder sonstwo gammeln ..
cannibal lovers
Ironic how little Hitler-descendants like you are making fun of other people about the bad guys of that particular country.
nice game bel ftw
i lost my last money!
Ger :(
lolled I canceled my bet 15 minutes ago and putted it on belgium xD:D:D:D:D:
where do you sleep tonight if you cancelled your bed?
thx for money be ! :D
no urtier no win!
was a good game -.-
ow ow ow, that was nice Belgium for gold
unexpected :p
tut mir echt leid für Team Ger, aber guten NC gespielt jungs und euer bestes getan...
yea, easy for germany...
izi bash 4 [flag=be] tbh
after that, be ftw NC X
And what do the teams think themselves eh ?

Shewii: I think the chances are fifty-fifty, we both can win tonight and i have no idea who will go to the final, i guess tonight's match will tell !

butchji: 4:0 for Team Germany because we are better!
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
from ClanBase....butchij comments:D...a

butchij was onwed!
noob coment noob game
team germany was very weak ! sorry to say but it realy was!
tr00 btw craitura @630 dmg or smth @ gr def .... "gg"
owned -.- lost 5000€ n1 ^^