Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs inteRaction (6466 views)

fi Snake Doctor
fi HaPPoLaP-SS-i
fi Oulam8
fi malmin_antissi
fi HoN-Player
cz denton
cz jalo
cz derek
cz milhAus
cz Green_Clon
1st Matchweek / 1st league - #easy.cup

25.01.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup VI 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Blindi- (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 59287
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 75


Maybe revenge this time? :P
gl milhAus and Green_Clon hf iR go pwned !!
gl iR :)
You have € 2663 on iR
Possible win: € 4713.51
jedéém :D
gl iR !!! <3 green clon
=o REVENGE? O.O will see =)
"1nd league" :DDDDDDDDD
weird that they got it right on the First matchweek :D:D
gl ir
1nd league - #easy.cup
gl hf IRka..
All in on iR! Ať se daří kluci!
mind ensam olba and?
you got all of them wrong. This is the real "beer squad lineup".
thought happo is always ensam and oula would be olba? :<
well yes, i tried to fool you because i wanted better odds :DDD
You have € 1000 on iR
Possible win: € 2450

gl iR
gl ir
parek v rohliku!
dont drink too many bears before offi krp's
nazis gonna win
GL green ;)
2-4 IR

edit: 4-2 KRP
fail :S
czech miracle = green_clon ? pretty impressive
it was jalo, best aimer in the scene atm
dunno if the best but surely one of the best (:
He is seriously one of the best ones. Where the fuck did he came from lol
well I remember him playing in clan SSX or smth 1-2 years ago and his nickname was Kupcek :D
i was not around back then, was inactive for 2 years 08-10.
he owns your canadian ass anytime
i raped him pretty hard yesterday in 3v3 (WHERE AIM COUNT A LOT U KNOW)
Whatever, spec him in a SERIOUS_GAMIN_eSPORTS_MATCH, he outaims u 100-0
LOL UR IMPLYING HE DIDNT TRY CUZ ITS WAS RANDOM 3v3, THAT MEAN I WAS TRYING (OH T FACHÉ?)???? lowbob and fanboy. mon medaillon touche a mon penis
oh come on, don't be so snotty... we all know that you are great and you probably raped jalo and co. on 3v3 but there's no need to argue with fanboys. Insults won't do any good. :P
was quiet close
well played cz
You have € 47 on krp
You won € 65.8
nice match guys
wp interaction homes :)
You have € 2663 on cz iR
You lost

NP :D i have still 2 euro