turbot vs back 2 kill (6903 views)

fi Swanidius
fi crittie
fi OldenSan
fi Juuti
fi HardyRah
pl l4z
pl Abject
pl w1lko
pl mag
pl WuT
Premier League Group C

Winner will proceed to the playoffs
28.04.11 21:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth b2k - w1lko :[[ 62 kills
Killing Spree b2k - Abj 7 frags without being killed
Accountant b2k - w1lko :[[ 113% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! b2k - Abj 25 gibs
...and stay dead! b2k - Abj 47% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning b2k - w1lko :[[ 52 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! b2k - l4z (:D 27 SPAM kills
Fragstealer b2k - w1lko :[[ 154 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! b2k - mag 380 damage per frag
What objective? b2k - w1lko :[[ 331 XP
Red Shirt team-tA[jUTICIEKS] 64 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? team-tA[Swanidius] 26 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore team-tA[hardyrah] 187 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut team-tA[crittie] 5 team kills
Gingerbread man b2k - l4z (:D 24 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
b2k - w1lko :[[1133316255140114982181952100/04/452/345/615814976
b2k - mag732533852100214831377043741/03/632/304/321914835
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG842884857170420844085334461/02/243/326/517615045
b2k - Abj952795356250221947087633050/03/550/262/517915675
b2k - l4z (:D822195162140224829256645050/116/61/2827/41639148
b2k - 8913702522828001193443363885918402/128/6178/2844/417913956
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
b2k - w1lko :[[136149342510018545538031160/02/229/153/2KKKK/DDKDKDKKKK/KDKKKKKKDKDKX/K/DD/KKXTK/K/DDKKK/KDKDKKDKDDDKK
b2k - mag9614425269029498841723561/02/220/134/2//KKDDKD/KDKDKTTDDDDKK/K/DKK/K/KDKDKKKDDKKK/K/KDDKDKK
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG85134242880212421338332281/01/222/132/2/KD/DD/TKDDDKKXK/KDKDK/DK/KK/TK/X/KD/KK/DKDDKDKKDKKK/KKD
b2k - Abj1511774127220114600543131160/01/140/111/2KDKKK/KKK/KD/KKKKKD/KK/KXKDD/KTK/DK/KKKKKDKKKKKK/KKKDKD/KK/K/KK/DD/KDD
b2k - l4z (:D86110263060016419326541670/110/21/127/0DKKK//DKDKKXDKD/DK/K/DD/KKK/K/KD/DKK//K//KK/KK/KDDDK/KKDK
b2k - 11171415013655065924854187759832/116/9112/6417/8

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
b2k - w1lko :[[70991420200323662766580/02/09/162/2KDXDDKDDD/DDKK/KDKXDKKDKKDDDKDDKD/KK
b2k - mag576481410031794200100/00/28/90/1KDKDKD/D/K/DDKXDDDDKKDK
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG557310185024208926961550/01/09/132/2/TKDDDDDKDKD/K/DKDKTK/KDDDDKDKX
b2k - Abj35677201015243330671720/02/35/91/2/DKDD/DDKK/D/DKKDDDDKDDDK/TD
b2k - l4z (:D526111214017203218161640/02/10/129/1/K/KKKKD/KD/D/DDD/KDKKTDDDDDDK/KD
b2k - 54364509313042210714123465490/07/631/5914/8
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
b2k - w1lko :[[1004666100186894000/00/26/10/2DKDDKD/KKKDK
b2k - mag1425170001953945180/00/11/50/0D/DDKDDD
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG8329561002972104880/00/05/30/1/DKKD/KKDDK
b2k - Abj4022251001416810170/00/02/40/0KDDD/KD
b2k - l4z (:D1332086300086575700/02/20/36/1KDKDKKDDKDKKKD
b2k - 741422230600540744500430/02/514/166/4

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
b2k - w1lko :[[200378410021132686360/00/08/20/0KK/KK/KDDKKK
b2k - mag802045000157858600/01/13/30/0DKKDD/KKD
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG180529530021166956550/00/07/32/0KDK/K/DKKKDKKK
b2k - Abj751334100161657300/00/13/20/1XDK/KDKD
b2k - l4z (:D1202865101112024371740/02/10/15/2/TKKDDKDKDKK
b2k - 13115030236017469432382650/03/321/117/3

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: pozdro egoderko krec demko
b2k - Abj [Warmup]: 200 dmg na mape
b2k - Abj [Warmup]: wilka
b2k - Abj [Warmup]: :)
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: mowisz o sobie:D?
team-tA[crittie] [Warmup]: je
b2k - mag [Warmup]: akcja z radarem przeciwko dignitas
team-tA[crittie] [Warmup]: p
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: o mnie
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: +10 razy na fula
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: :D
b2k - mag [Warmup]: poezja :D
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: hyppaa munalleni
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: :D
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: kurwa kwiaty
team-tA[crittie] [Warmup]: Masz srake zamiast mozgu
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: .speclock 10
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: vittu
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: :(
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: peruna paa
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: ya right ?
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: magu jak wygramy
b2k - l4z (:D [Countdown]: to zagram z toba w lola
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Countdown]: shoutout: slotu BARON VON RYCHU paradox solar jorge naku nadziu frozen sprawa queer mama snoozji bunnyz0rd zagg matj chuj wam w dupe sonny nobek mietek cwaniak palmus lubie placki
b2k - mag [Countdown]: ok do mycia
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Countdown]: i egoderko
b2k - mag [Countdown]: pozdro dla misiaczkow
[Countdown]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
[14:52]: b2k - l4z (:Dcalled a vote.
[14:49]: Vote FAILED! (Map Restart )
b2k - l4z (:D [14:46]: hahahahha
[14:24]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
team-tA[hardyrah] [13:56]: :-)
[12:48]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[12:47]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[12:45]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
team-tA[hardyrah] [12:11]: :-)
[12:05]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[12:05]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[10:53]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[10:49]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:27]: (:
[10:02]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[8:04]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[8:00]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [5:52]: (:
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [5:52]: (:
team-tA[jUTICIEKS] [4:14]: j
[3:04]: [OC]pixel connected
[CB]GoldoraK [2:58]: hello
[2:54]: Allies team locked by team-tA[Swanidius]
[CB]GoldoraK [2:52]: ref me guys x)
[2:50]: Axis team locked from spectators by b2k - l4z (:D
[2:44]: Axis team locked by b2k - l4z (:D
[CB]GoldoraK [2:20]: guys ref me :|
b2k - l4z (:D [2:19]: who are u
b2k - l4z (:D [2:19]: ;d
team-tA[Swanidius] [2:14]: shut the fuck up
[CB]GoldoraK [2:13]: 5x5 oc ref
b2k - l4z (:D [2:09]: to late
b2k - l4z (:D [2:08]: :-(
b2k - l4z (:D [2:08]: :<<
[CB]GoldoraK [2:00]: i was afk rofl
[1:37]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[1:20]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[1:19]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[1:06]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
[Intermission]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
[CB]GoldoraK [Warmup]: gimme ref :|
team-tA[Swanidius] [Warmup]: suck my dick
[CB]GoldoraK [Warmup]: XD
b2k - Abj [Warmup]: get gibs
[CB]GoldoraK [Warmup]: rofl
team-tA[crittie] [Warmup]: (@[CB]doneX) crittie has yellow card now
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
[Countdown]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
[14:42]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[13:06]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[12:17]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[11:53]: [CB]GoldoraK connected
[11:47]: [OC]pixel connected
[CB]GoldoraK [11:41]: evening
[CB]GoldoraK [11:33]: pixel is ur ref for tonight
[CB]GoldoraK [11:18]: dont kick him plz and give him ref
team-tA[Swanidius] [11:13]: xD who are u?
b2k - l4z (:D [11:12]: who arre uu
[CB]GoldoraK [11:05]: im GoldoraK
[11:01]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
team-tA[hardyrah] [11:00]: I Am HardyRah!
[CB]GoldoraK [10:58]: want to check my SLAC ?
[10:56]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[10:54]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
b2k - l4z (:D [10:54]: no time
[CB]GoldoraK [10:49]: laz
[10:43]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
b2k - l4z (:D [10:41]: vote then
^T[OC]pixel [10:33]: ty goldorak for help
[10:31]: b2k - w1lko :[[called a vote.
[CB]GoldoraK [10:18]: F1 plz
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:11]: f
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:11]: 1
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [10:10]: free porn
[10:01]: Vote FAILED! (Referee [OC]pixel)
[9:45]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[CB]GoldoraK [9:44]: vote ref pixel plz
team-tA[hardyrah] [9:40]: Shhhh.
[9:33]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[9:31]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[9:30]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[9:17]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
^T[OC]pixel [9:11]: no answer from they ^^
[CB]GoldoraK [9:07]: no
[CB]GoldoraK [9:05]: wait
^T[OC]pixel [9:03]: kk
team-tA[hardyrah] [8:45]: ref's.. let us play please.. talk after this round ends.
team-tA[hardyrah] [8:41]: thx =)
^T[OC]pixel [8:16]: i will wait till this round end
[CB]GoldoraK [8:08]: ill stay to
^T[OC]pixel [8:01]: kk
[CB]GoldoraK [7:57]: till u have ref
^T[OC]pixel [7:50]: ok
team-tA[jUTICIEKS] [7:09]: :d
b2k - mag [6:32]: skipcio pozdrowionka
b2k - mag [6:28]: oczywiscie morfik tez
[6:25]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 8:35 (original: 15:00)
team-tA[Swanidius] [Intermission]: EI OWNAA
b2k - Abj [Intermission]: pozdro mars i kama
b2k - l4z (:D [Intermission]: pozdro wszystkie ninie
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Intermission]: czekajcie zaraz z binda puszcze pozdro
b2k - l4z (:D [Intermission]: co mnie ogaladaj
[Intermission]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: japierdole
team-tA[Swanidius] [Warmup]: heil hitler u say?
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: shoutout: slotu BARON VON RYCHU paradox solar jorge naku nadziu frozen sprawa queer mama snoozji bunnyz0rd zagg matj chuj wam w dupe sonny nobek mietek cwaniak palmus lubie placki
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: how long should we wait
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: for them
team-tA[Swanidius] [Warmup]: Dunno
b2k - mag [Warmup]: go to yours gas chambory
^T[OC]pixel [Warmup]: 10mins
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: left?
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: ok so forfeit
^T[OC]pixel [Warmup]: or forfeit
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: :D
team-tA[Swanidius] [Warmup]: we take forfeit
^T[OC]pixel [Warmup]: :DDDDD
team-tA[Swanidius] [Warmup]: bb was nice game
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: i take forfiter
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: OK GUYS
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Countdown]: gl & hf :D
[Countdown]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
team-tA[jUTICIEKS] [9:44]: j
[9:10]: The Doors are opening!!
[9:04]: Main blast door opening!
team-tA[hardyrah] [8:32]: :-)
[8:28]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:28]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
team-tA[hardyrah] [8:22]: :-)
[7:14]: Main blast door closing!
[7:05]: Main blast door opening!
[6:57]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 3:02
b2k - l4z (:D [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Intermission]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
b2k - l4z (:D [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
[Countdown]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Countdown]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
b2k - Abj [2:36]: L4Z
[1:36]: The Doors are opening!!
[1:24]: Main blast door opening!
[0:33]: Main blast door closing!
^T[OC]pixel [0:03]: wp =)
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:02)
[Intermission]: team-tA[jUTICIEKS] disconnected
b2k - l4z (:D [Intermission]: xD
b2k - mag [Intermission]: PLEJOF
b2k - l4z (:D [Intermission]: bann
[Intermission]: team-tA[OldenSan] disconnected
[Intermission]: b2k - mag disconnected
[Intermission]: team-tA[hardyrah] disconnected
b2k - Abj [Intermission]: NAZI
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Intermission]: jeszcze jeden
[Intermission]: team-tA[Swanidius] disconnected
[Intermission]: [OC]pixel disconnected
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Intermission]: NAZI ALWASY LOSE
[Intermission]: *** This server is running SLAC addon v0.13
[Intermission]: *** Visit http://www.sl-anticheat.com for more information!
[Intermission]: team-tA[crittie] disconnected
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: tak jeszcze jeden
b2k - WuT SUPERTAG [Warmup]: boner
b2k - w1lko :[[ [Warmup]: :D

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.