Estonia vs Croatia (8274 views)

ee frEeze
ee ince
ee Night
ee Sinnu
ee yEnch
hr blind
hr danL
hr Deltona
hr praskOo
hr shimapan
hr yamato

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Group H
1st Matchweek
04.02.13 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Sinner (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 123421
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 83


Ma ootan siiamaani oma NC kutset. Kui see ei tule, siis ma ei luba Subbil mängida :S
estonia stronk this year
No Coi No Win
gl prasko
GoOdluCk Estonia !
ulala, blind in NC:) gl my old mate tho ;)
for sure :) gl mate :)
hf mcleod :)
You have € 722 on CRO
Possible win: € 6541.32
gl rimi !!!
gl EE
No Reload :( ?
tbh no matter who else plays, they're not the same without him. He is a total cripple but his nerd level means that without him, Estonia aren't that good. Maybe they can win this nc cos its the lowest in a while.

Absolutely spanked Estonia when I was capt but as soon as reload played the game after, uk got raped, mind you I wasn't playing (key playa etc)
sretno cro :)
No more Cortana, it's over my friends.
no acozz no win
freeze sinnu raul <3 :) gl dudes
gl subbi MCLEOd Night yEnch & Sinnu the guy who never gave me other Night's tricks :<
lagano, sretno Deltona
Gl mant my main man xoxo
frozz best sc2 player gl!
mant :)))))
gl deltona!!!
gl jup
best of luck sinnu <3 ettv + sinnu + weed = wtf im so stone :p

gl rimi!
Vaid Night on vanadest tegijatest alles?

Kuid sellegipoolest edu ja vaatan huviga Eesti uut tippkihti mängimas.
Member Since 29th January 2013 ?
Ma mängisin ET-d päris 5 aastat tagasi viimati ja GTV-s pole siis reganud ;) IP-d sai vaatamiseks ilma selletagi kätte :)
tšau ints :D
vana hiiumaa pomps, ikka mängid veel? :D
just mängisin aga tegelt aktiivselt ei tegele :) ... tagasi lammutamas ?
olen natuke pubi proovinud aga ega mul pole mõtet pühendunumalt mängida kuna nagunii varsti merele tagasi pikalt.
kes vio poistest lasevad veel? crea raudselt tulistab veel :D
ja aim.. no, kui mõned nädalad pubi lasta siis tuleks stabiilne 40 acc kätte tagasi. ET aim vist ei kao kunagi ära.. natuke harjutad jälle ja tuleb tagasi :D
jaa creake laseb jah vahest , aga teisi ei ole nagu ammu näinud. ise unedemaale nüüd . äkki laseb kunagi
lagano :D sretno hrv
EE im avi for this
lolololol subbi bad pianoplayer
You have € 80 on CRO
Possible win: € 3365.6

come on croatia!!! if modric can make it to real madrid you guys damn right can beat ee's ass!!
gl sinnu & frozz :)
no freeze no subbi 8(
mant versus world
gl danL, ekjuret, blind, prasi and MAD dbs
gl yench sinnu mcload subbilagger :)
subbi not playing , ince replacing
Go Praškec :)
ggs, was a fun game :P
bam bam bam gg wp :)
hahaha deltona from jaymod to etpro his 1st 6o6 offi and most dmg :) bsturz MADE HIM
bsturz 4 ever :))
think twice before u post such a comment.
wp delt :)