fnatic vs Bravado (5287 views)

se pronax
se olofm
se JW
se KRiMZ
se flusha
za cent
za bLacKpoisoN
za Detrony
za deviaNt
za racno
Group A
Best Of 1


flusha <3
Highlight in this Match will:

flusha, olofmeister and JW getting banned
ts hund
nope, they will crush everyone and win the 100k$ and haters gonna hate :)
flusha is fairly suspicious, even fellow pro's say that.
He is clean, like everybody in Fnatic is. Anyone who thinks differently is retarded
Just watch DHW now, they got no way to cheat and in the first game he played nuts.
Sick of all these silver players accusing random actions
Bravado isn't exactly competition for fnatic, so this match doesn't mean shit. Let's see how he plays against equally skilled teams. Also I wonder how you could ever do this shot:


That flick is impossible, imo, but then again I dunno too much about CSGO.
Yea obviously this game doesnt count, but just wait and see in the playoffs, he will play as he always do, amazing.
First of all, that is a 16tick demo, compare that to a 128 tick demo and it wont look the same.
Second, out of what, 3000+ hours he made 10 "weird" actions, shit happends
Meh, lets see. Are you watching the DreamhackStream atm? Am I crazy or is it Tosspot casting?

Edit: Nvm. It is, saw it.
yes that's tosspot ;)
I more and more feel the urge to play CSGO. :$ How different is it from CS:S / 1.6? Are Hitboxes still that "weird" (by ET standards)?
It's fun if you have a decent PC that can handle it lol
The game is good, just dont play matchmaking cause they got 64tick servers, play faceit/esea cause they got 128tick servers
Hitboxes are world apart from the ET ones. It's really weird at the start but once you get somewhat used to it then it's fine. It's different in quite few ways, including some weapons accuracy more or less increased or decreased, it also is a bit less dynamic, but at least as good or better than CS:S. And what Weslann said, tho ESEA is not free, faceit is, but you should be somewhat decent to play there cause the skill gap between matchmaking, faceit and even more ESEA is quite different
Thanks. Well I wouldn't want to play ranked unless I feel comfortable, so I'll familiarize with everything first. Playing/Carrying noobs sucks, just like in every competitive game.
a haxor knows the truth congratz
Sorry but who are you?
a haxor mate.. and why do i need to be known to say something?
Just wondering if you got any csexperience at all
hm do i need xs experience to be sarcastic? but my Steam says i played like 6 hours..