Forum » About GamesTV » Ideas » ultraviolet fragscanner

nl remyy
ultraviolet fragscanner on 13.11.11 12:49

im working on a little minimovie. and im rewatching all these old games i played to record demos. however isnt it like a superb feature for moviemakers or also for just replayers to have the demo/fragscanner integrated into gTV? so u can scan demos on request before watching them? like i watched 3 games of 3maps and no frags so basicly useless watching?:P could save so much time without having to watch em all?

jsut idea

nl h3ll
Watching and picking frags is a part of making a fragmovie, you have to deal with it tbh, because even if it's possible to add that function to GTV, noone cba to add it :P
de skooli
I'm not sure if the scanner also works together with tv demos, but it might just work; so you can also download the demos and scan them locally instead of requesting them all on demand
fr Kartez
i think it can be done but you have to scan it for every players, but dont know if it work with a "tv demos".
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