Romania vs Switzerland (9346 views)

ro RaZy
ro Stary
ro Lover
ch oops992
ch oLGa
ch GirljZE

ESL 3on3 Country Championship
Rest of Europe Qualifier Round 1
01.04.12 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Country Championship Qualifiers » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: raZy` (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 16204
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


ch oLGaa back? :)))
go go girlzje :D:D
le me doing le nationcup omg omg, what happened to ET :D ?
Hehhee gl girljze
Will be nice game, finally we meet =D
dinifettmueter new uber-talent, spec him!
You mad talking about yourself :DD ?
girlzje for the carry
girljZE CAN DO THIS! and gl stary! you will need it :D
i'll try with my tj skill =DDD
For once the first comments aren't flame :D Seems like people got a bit more clever now ?
Because that's the way ETcommunity is acting on gamestv ;)
:P thx we won't be playing with pity anyway gonna get someone atleast as good as us
Gl Stary!
gl both teams :)
gl schwiiz ch
Bafta ma baieti :)
Gl Stary ! :D
ms ms garf:)
razy will lead his team mates with his powerfull voice and his awsome skills into flawless victory and after that he will scream at his mammy to bring him some sandwich and everybody on ts3 will hear that
stary will use ddos to flood the shit out of the swiss and every swiss will wonder what the hell is going on
if pitbull will play he will bite the shit out of the swiss ass and his name in game will be french puddel,but it might be possible that they replace him cause he ussually just barks and not bites.

conclusion:switzerland will win this

You have € 1 on SUI
Possible win: € 1.59

playing on fools day lol

why you didn't make a team and play in ESL NC vs us if you have so a big mouth? you could izi proof that we are playing shit or we are retards or all what you say there... tbh for me , and for stary, you are just a retarded zoofil who know that all noobs can write smth on gtv, and then he is going to post something trying to annoy us but i can't go mad bcuz of a unbrained romanian who is licking in ass 90% of ET community... imo you should be baned here and on crossfire for your unbrained comments. so pls stop doing this shit and kill yourself or at least burn your house, maybe you'll die in it! or just stop trying to annoy us posting shit comments here.

Bitch please :)) He doesn't own a house
at 1 meter and 60 cm i think that too:D

acu stii si ce inaltime am?pt informatia ta am 1 78 adica mult mai mult ca tine boa
and u do?or your parents who pays u for ddos?and actually i own a house,i even gave u the address but u to coward to come visit me
nu am facut echipa ca nu am vrut sa joc cu admin ca foamea si rippy pe acolo sa traga sforile si mai ales pentru ca nu am timp sa stau cu orele in fata calculatorului zbierand la parintii mei in gura mare pe ts3 ca un nesimtit imputit pentru un cacat de sandwici cand ai putea sa ti misti hoitul si sa ti faci unul singur.
a doua la mana pentru tot restul ce ai zis te invit sa mi spui asta fata in fata skija mica ce esti.ce sunt eu pt 2 3 copilasi ma lasa rece,skillul tau sau al vostru,o fi mai bun ca al meu si e si normal la cate ore jucati si la ce timp liber aveti,sincer insa la tot restul si la cum va purtati si vorbiti sunteti corigenti cu C mare.Mai tii minte cand ne povesteai de pumnul in piept ce ti l ai luat la scoala?Eu daca eram in locul lui ala iti dadeam bocanci numai in fata aia.

si inca ceva,cand am facut shoutcastul voi cativa adolescenti romani retardati ati venit sa injurati,like i care,dar nu stiu daca ai observat de la ceilalti am avut semnale pozitive.

insa la ultimul shoutcast care l ai facut,am stat si am urmarit,nimeni pe ettv nu ti a apreciat vocea aia fara viata si felul in care comentai.asa ca zau...lasa -ne lasa-ne
try to edit your comm and try to stop talking bullshits:) english/ro chosa one don't act like a inet retard!
tu vb ma?nu ti scriu in engleza ca sa nu te fac de cacat mai mult decat e cazul,dar vad ca ai cam ramas fara reply,pana la urma nici nu prea ai ce reply sa mi dai.oricum sunt curios asa ce cacat o sa faceti.toti 3 v ati gasit nu am nimic de zis,dar va potriviti ca degetele de la o manusa.o manusa cu 3 degete
Auzi tu nu observi ca te bagi in seama cu japca? Noi venim sa-ti scriem tie daca joaca ibul sau daca joci tu? De ce nu vrei tu sa-ti vezi de viata ta roz si noi da noastra.
+1 star , singurum motiv pt care nu mai dau replay e ca am ceva minte in cap... nu ma cobor la mintea si inaltimea ta... ce plm vb cu 1 m si o sticla de pepsi.. sa fim seriosi daca esti asa smecher dc plm nu te baga niciun roman in seama? sunt toti aroganti bla bla... poate chiar tu esti beleaua... asta e ultimul post destinat unu prost...
tu ai mai multa minte in cap?ma boule ca aia cu care joci te tolerau e pentru ca se radeau de tine si nimic mai mult si pentru ca tu de altfel stateai cu japca printre romanii nu mai joc de cand multumita oamenilor ca tine,stary,pitbull si alti cativa am plecat de pe ts ul unde o cine joc acum sunt mult mai multumit si mai fericit.aici skillul nu are nici o legatura boule,e vb de felul vostru de a fi si de rahaturile care le debitati,copii prosti fara pic de bun simt si care nu ati merita nici pc,nici net ci apa,paine si bataie in fiecare zi
ai plecat dp ts ala unde te cam ardeau toti =)=D
gogule nu ma bag in seama cu japca,pentru ca nu stiu daca ai observat dar nu vorbeam cu voi absolut deloc.oricine poate posta un comment si prin urmare nu vad de ce nu as posta si eu.mie mi se cam pare insa ca voi va bagati in seama cu japca.sau ce,nu am voie sa postez un comment la acest meci?te deranjeaza adevarul ,ma indoiesc ca ai orice urma de remuscare pentru cacaturile care le ai facut si probabil inca le viata mea nu e roz,ci mai mult rosie,alba,albastra,uneori galbena si mai e si neagra si gri uneori.
hi cheater
cheater> lifeless gipsy
cheater=scumbag=no life at all
its a fucking game u retarded fucking gipsy, 31 years old -> playing games. Who's the nolifer now
u mad son?is a fuckin game and yet u are a fuckin u pick up on my age,go search on google u ll find even more older video game players,is that supposed that if i m 31 i can t play video games?your logic is perfect.
ufo <3 is mad agayin ;x
well it isnt normal if you still live at your family without a girlfriend + playing videogames :D
searching 5 mercs for 6on6 /q
and that is what ?attempt of troll :D?
gl both!
easy sweden
unforgivene ma pis pe tn:) jegos om...retardat...
lol la nouvelle team suisse :D
gl girljze :)

Member Since 7th March 2012
member since 26th February 2012 u :D
lost my pw account and pw of the last e-mail adress :)
lol seems like u mad
1year already :S u mad ChriS?
check same nick than mine with only one "i" ;)

it got french flag, so i created a new one, cause i felt so bad with this flag ;)

why u hating bro, was jut jking :S
'Hopp Swiss !

still cant play :'(
gl GirljZE, knejii and razy !
GL kneeji, olga !
gwönned wenigstens ehr buure :)

knejii för dech ond de olga sett jo das kes problem sie ;D de oops ond d griljeee oder wie au emmer könni ned so guet ;D

gl stary ! girljze !
NO breAk AND bAxx NO WIN
come on GirljZE show me your tj skills! ugggh pressure uggghjmmm
hf Stary and KNEJINADE
thx highnade
Ahaha yeah but still i improved in tj & etpro :D Let the pressure prevents me from failing hard !
OLGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
ET IS DEAD, really dead with this swiss team
+1 million
Are you in team France ? Oh no u have no mates :/
And even then frenchies don't want to play with you, i'm still wondering why...
i don't know why a low+ player r in a NC turnament
a low+ r in a NC turnament

ok bro get decent english and come back.
I'm not low+ anymore btw ;)
what skill u r so?
poke+ c'est plus mieux :D
so much people mad on me :$
low+ suiss = med+ euro. they mad because in ET, as in economi , we are better ;)

<3 swiss
Aahahaha yeah nice one :D jealous even online ;)
"ok bro get decent english and come back."
what's wrong ?
mad "on" me
yeah supposed to be at, but who cares about that small mistake ?
"ok bro get decent english and come back."
so this mistake makes my english not decent ?
Do u even know what decent means ?
yes & yes to your questions
that's a cool story ;)
and again you failed because that wasn't a story
t'es ou criss
i just don't care
would be nice if the winning team could play us after the match.
n33d mili

Girlzje tu fous quoi en NC ? :DDDDDD
vell glöck jungs <3
gl Stary, oLGa, & GirljZE :)
gl knete warum mit dem girl noop omg :)
ja ja ich bin den noop and du bist den uBERnoop :)
hehe war eher nur spass :)
hehe du glaubtest ich kann nicht deutsch sprechen ;)
knete ftw gl
easy for stary <3
tg vieux pyjman ! :D
easy olgaa <3
Oh shit , They have oops ...
gl Lover&stary
gg girljze, rly m8 :)
En même temps avec girlzje fallait pas s'attendre a gagné
too bad =)