Anexis eSports vs miNd's Pro Gamers club (15718 views)

gb R0SS
gb sqZz
be mAus
it XyLoS
ee Night
fi Squall
fi miNd
lv Clown
de drago
fi Vanhaomena
nl perfo
se Nuggan
Shoutcasted by gb TosspoT
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle For Berlin II » Matchlink
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: SimonKinsler (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 278889
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
gb QuadV Audio
By: TosspoT
Listen to TosspoT
Language: English

Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: unknown

Video Streams
ET Television
By: aiRen
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English
By: TosspoT
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 133

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 304

Overall Viewerpeak: 437


1st O-M-G
no jay no win
You have € 1898 on de Anexis
Possible win: € 3074.76
gl squall, ross & sqzz ! :)

gl perfo nugget and dadgav :>
heh perfoo rox gl and f u altsi
gl mAus,XyLoS <3
gl sqZz...

like always... ^vLet's go SQZZ ^p!!!
dont understand Nuggan really, so inconsistent..
gl dragonaut :p

only butchji missin
drago > R0SS
mAus = nuggan
XyLoS > miNd
sqZz > perfo
Night > Clown
subbi = Squall
mAus = nuggan ? are you fucking kidding me ? :DDD please..

Maus was awful at the NC, and when i say awful i mean he was aiming at the same level of the other "highskilled" guys..
Now that he's back in shape, he's just owning everyone again...
im sry but it seems u have been mistaken as to thinking this was open for debate, everything i say is a fact of life, there's no room for it to be questioned
oh my lord why would u do something like this?!
don't ever question the reasoning of my comments.
dont ever question the rudeness of clean garbage
why haven't you killed your self already?
has american flag. calls himself gamestvorg. expects to be taken seriously.
u say your not a nerd but your constantly on gaming websites making posts for a game you quit and you want me to believe your not a nerd. Cant be taken seriously
has american flag. calls himself gamestvorg. expects to be taken seriously.
u say your not a nerd but your constantly on gaming websites making posts for a game you quit and you want me to believe your not a nerd. Cant be taken seriously
XyLoS < miNd
sqZz > perfo
Night < Clown
subbi > Squall

p.s. miNd > all
Full of bullshit, congratz :)
To shoutcast / shoutcast / shoutcast
You have € 20 on eu mPG
Possible win: € 498.8 easy :)
hf sqzz, nait, xylos & squall
omg le rapk il est fanboy et tout :D make le kiss at 'em
TosspoT <33333333333
ou have € 10 on mPG
Possible win: € 187.4

go clown :D
listen up student subbi of myn i got 103 on you, you better make me the fuck proud and rich but thats not really important:O)<3 KARRMAMAMAAA
You have € 14 on eu mPG
Possible win: € 613.76

go mPG go!
You have € 20 on mPG
Possible win: € 845.6

You have € 50 on mPG
Possible win: € 2052.5

gl sqzz ;)
should be a good game!
gl maus. still sucking on LoL?
gl Clown
Outbrainers going to outbrain.
gl nuggan
fanboy spotted
• book gonna roll :D
• Vyjiii beast
You have € 30 on mPG
Possible win: € 550.5

You have € 1 on de Anexis
Possible win: € 1.06

Make me rich R0SS <3
gl mPG :D
lol would would people watch this (other than to spec miNd and perfo ofc) when fin6 are playing... RLYYYYYYYYYY
subbi gonna cum on your faces
Not again Tosspot! HE TALKS TO MUCH!
Not again Tosspot! HE TALKS TO MUCH!
Not again Tosspot! HE TALKS TO MUCH!
Stream is blackscreened :X
c'est s'que jdis a ta mère quand elle me suce ;)
Micro penis qu'elle peux parler en te sucant !
apprends à parler francais je t'ai déja dit ;) pauvre tache.
Ton visage n'est pas très jolie à voir pour toi le port de la bourkha devrait être ObLIGATOIRE
mAus ding ding ding ding
omg maus omg
mpg oc premier max
ok this confirms it. two "big" teams. video streams the lot, and bored and closed after 5 minutes. officially lost the love for the game ;(

something new and exciting is needed imo, the game is boring unless there is some drama involved.
no kamz no drama

no kamz no funny coments
nah i always gonna keep u guys entertained with my comments!

<3 :*
Shame that you couldn't connect to the server, but thanks anyways Tosspot
ggs sqzz :)
was it really such a rape as it looks like the statistics?