United Kingdom vs Poland (17285 views)

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gb med1xza
gb razz
gb R0SS
gb sqzz
pl Abject
pl dialer
pl fanatic
pl lesti
pl Lukey
pl wiaderko

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Grand Final

pl Poland has to win twice!

1st match: 4-0 POL
2nd match: 2-2, (decider on Sunday)

Statistics from 4 maps
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 912279
The bets are closed.

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By: DtSje
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Language: English

Viewer Peak: 172

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 247

Overall Viewerpeak: 419


I heard Poland always win when I don't play, so I'm gonna sit this one out. glll
mad cuz you're not there?
yes i wish i could have been polak

wtf man ofc not nobody wish to be Polak u idiot XD
yes i wish i could have been mitja

wtf man ofc not nobody wish to be mitja u idiot XD
HAHAHAHAHA almost laughed at this joke man

fucking retarded polak
nice rage huauhaa ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
nah bro but that joke wasnt funny since you just stole my joke fag
lol nice jokes clown
lol nice face monkey
mitja accept that evry single pl is better than u :D
haha i knew you would be online and playing this one still, you remind me of ross and koop.. u can't fucking stay away, this is your life
hehehe good to know that you were online whole evening just to check whether I play or not, fanboy :-) cheers and see you on Sunday, hf specing
got bored and left after 5 minutes, was shit watching noobs play each other lol
gl gav, ross, koop, dru!
omg karl omg

Glhf both
You have € 7560 on pl POL
Possible win: € 14515.2

Chyba mnie pojebało, no ale XD
You have € 130881 on pl POL
Possible win: € 213336.03
You have € 9430 on POL
Possible win: € 25743.9

Nie obraze sie jak to wygraja xD
You have € 9430 on POL
Possible win: € 60163.4

jestem patriota

gl razz sqzz ross
nerds will win
going to be a draw!
-l Lesti
+ bN
+ hunter
u seem to be lil mad nazi:XD
same as last year? :D
went all in on this and look what i got lol:

You have € 735 on UK
Possible win: € 1337.7
fanam8 nie zawiedz mnie
Nie zawiedzie cię bo nie gra, w końcu zastąpi go ktoś godny finału, dj grzesiek albo furman, pogromca minusow z NS et pro.
zagram na świeżutkim 100k koncie- świeża minusowa lowkrew się przyda :)
gl ?
Good luck R0SS
hf UK
it seems somebody fucks up odds :3
Where's Baggiez?
On a more serious note where's fumBle?
c'est une recurrent joke, il est pas bon, et toi t'es mad
need this lineup
need this year 2006
Szkoda że jak grały wróble na ostatnim lanie to dostały baty.
No od Ciebie , ukarales widzialem ze LANWINNERS SZUKAJA NOSIWODY ?
Bredzisz, wróć jak nauczysz się pisać po polsku.
Trzeba być niezłym fanboyem-debilem by myśleć że oni mogliby to wygrać.
4-5 lat temu by rozsmarowali brytoli 8-0. dzisiaj gdyby rozegrac mecz UK vs. reszta swiata to prawdopodobnie, UK by pobrało bez wiekszych problemow.
a to tylko dlatego ze brytole nawet w 2k13 zalaczaja biznes w ET, gre w ktora kazdy gra dla funu.
na lanie nawet last minute lock nie pomogl XD
no love for wiesiek?
and numeric and sarna
You have € 145 on UK
Possible win: € 227.65
wut should play
This odd fake atm :D 37 vs 1.03 :D
Would be nice to know if the match will be splitted or not.
Quotepl Poland has to win twice!
Doesn't change the fact that the sentence itself doesn't explain if the match will be split, i could easily write that Poland has to win twice and yet splitting games separately afterwards.
well, matches are not normally split into two, so I would think that the absence of the sentence "this match will be split" would imply that the match will proceed as normal and therefore not be split, no? :P

regardless, I think the idea of splitting matches is rather sily and will most likely force back-to-back games (if needed)
It would be nice if it worked that way, but there were several grand finals in the past that got split without it being mentioned beforehand. Also this one starts pretty late, so you never know...
I like how you all imply that Poland will win first match :D
Well Poland certainly has more chances to win one match than two! ;)
I'd say both scenarios have same chances - close to zero ;)
GL Poland :)
Poland FTW :)
add $
4-0 UK gg
not this shit team PL again ... bg :P

hf UK
Jak to ? Gdzie patriotyzm ekranie :D?
btw jaki wynik by nie byl ta ,,zla team poland'' ma 2 miejsce w nc :PPPP
od kilku lat ten sam team i nic nie wygrywaja to chyba cos jest nie tak :P
patriotyzmu brak mi ostatnio ;P

ps; jak tam prove it sie trzyma ?:D
i tak i nie, bo podium to tam osiagaja - zobacz na gre bel, nl, ger , fin -> repra pl i tak jest wysoko. Jak sie nie myle to od kilku lat jest podium wiec.. no .. nie wiem czemu tak podchodzisz do tego :D Wiele osob zarzuca im raczej specyfike ich zachowania, ale na ten temat nie chce sie wypowiadac. A co do prove it to coz.. mamy kontakt ze soba , praktycznie z calym skladem , ale jakos wiesz.. lewy pracuje, proskill ma dziewczyne z innego miasta, zyla stracil wene na granie ( jesli w ogole ja mial :D ) w bow hejss jest na b-up a ja jestem z kucem w normalnym lu :p. Lata leca, nie jest latwo :D pogrywasz ty czasem jeszcze :D?
no lata leca zgodze sie :P
moze i jest troche racji ale gdy jest tak liczna scena graczy z polski to chyba czas aby zdobyc to mistrzostwo chociaz po 10 latach wydania gry nie ma znaczenia, na ktorym miejscu jest Polska w tak starej grze :D
Wiesz nooby juz dawno skasowalem et i juz nie gram w to jak to sama napisalas lata leca ;P

ps; zgozde sie ze Polska kondycja w et jest lepsza niz kiedys ale caly czas chyba czekamy na to Upragnione Mistrzostwo :D
od kilku lat ten sam sklad? jakby byl od kilku lat ten sam sklad to by do dzis gral wrobel, wiesiek i reszta :) a nie oszukujmy sie, graczy ktorzy wyjda z respa vs UK na polskiej scenie ET jest malo... Chyba, ze chcialbys zobaczyc mistrzow 3on3, takich jak upload czy promen w Team Poland :XD
Ja mam wrażenie że ty i tobie podobni zyjecie w innym wymiarze, to właśnie wieski wróble i fragstealery nigdy nic nie wygrały, 2008, z belgami, 2009 z ee, 10 znowu z ee.
-dialer, +xanah
btw xanah ma bana ,o ile mi wiadomo za haxy
hahaha, ta
Gdzie, nie ma nawet c&a profile
+ Disek

Spoko spoko, Manager będzie z wami.
UK will win every year till polaks will buy some brains and start doing teamwork
Dutchies can beat UK
no they dont even have an chance , no teamwork at all , and plz saKen :DDDDDDDD this guy is lower than low
but saKen wasnt in Team NL this year
i see it the same way
You have € 50 on POL
Possible win: € 319

Wszystko co mam, jazda vodka!!!
You have € 9605 on gb UK
Possible win: € 11333.9

All in.
06.05 22:00 a.ToOn.eu 1.64 vs. 2.56 to Make odds even 5,853 € on aToOn Won 9,599€

you got a lot of self trust xD
Gl Panowie :-) !
no zad no win
wiadro smiec aaaeaaaaaaeaaaeaaeeeeaaaeaaa
I'm ready for a good comedy :D
Total Slots: 5,000 Used Slots: 109 
Overall Viewers: 321
pl2 - 0gb
uk so bad rofl

ross raging hard on comms :D
loose everymatch in 2nd OC group u have to be good

e: it should be "lost"
shut up
im not talking to u random trash
calling me random,while you're random.. that's nice logic

+ he's young,still can learn it :p
no kamz no win
Cmon uk!
jeszcze jeden mecz panie kapitanie oczywistosc.
wiem ale te 4-0 to już coś
pl 4-0 gb
supply and grush in 2nd match once again :D
czemu oni jeszcze graja ? o,o 4-0 dla pl jest
Quote Poland has to win twice!
Poland has to win twice!
Bo wyszli z looser brackets
jeden chuj oszukali nas :D XDD
:DDDD btw co tam słychać u ciebie?
nic nowego :D nie sadze juz ban w et jak marchewki XD :P
Poland won the first game 4-0

2-0 for UK atm in the second game
Decider ^^
2:2 and now the last round (no, seriously the last one and it's radar), winner of this one wins the NC
Thx for the updates guys :)
constan kom ts ;(
ne, zaterdag weer :p. Morge amsterdam cu
lol who would predict that score?
Well thanks to the live stream... dts just make the game a lot more funny and better to watch
chyba powazny gaming leci :O
dialer disappear !! :p
thanks guys, ur actually awesome! cu sunday, inb4 a great match
are you getting emotional now, how sweet <3
yes cos not always in good relationship with uk but now they proved they're true and fair gamers
amazing games :D
You have € 11111 on UK
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.

You have € 130881 on pl POL
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.
Good gaming! R0SS's half time team talks seem to be more influential than Alex Ferguson.
pozdrawiam fanów
The game is postponed to Sunday, either they'll either replay radar or play both sd/gr - not sure
It should be 2 maps imo
nice match and exciting. Hoping to be the same on sunday
ggs cya on sunday
who won?
if they split games, I think it should be pl 4 - 0 uk. and next sunday grand final with new bets.
thought the same :(
omg wiaderko replied to my comment. nice game, wp :p
no, they said this match wouldnt be split. All 2 games would be played when needed to.

So no one knew this match would be split.
who cares, I didnt bet
dyplomata lukey ratuje sytuacje ;o
tak czy inaczej wielkie GG i gl
ej przeciez jestem mily wtf
no jestes jestes, duzo razy mi pomogles nie ukrywam :P ale ktos ma dlugi jezyk haha :D
Długi język? A skąd ty...
O kurwa, ty i fanatyk :DD?

e: przestan sie opierdalac i zacznij robic to, co umiesz najlepiej - jesc.
bardzo dlugi :) slyszalem, ze bedziesz streamowac w niedziele meczyk na kamerce z jakims fajnym napisem! fani juz sie doczekac nie moga xD
ta na kamerce , bardzo ciekawe :D to chyba ten jezyk jest jakis za dlugi :D ale moge mile slowo napisac jak wygracie :PP

pewnie, ze wygramy. dla fanow wszystko!
no i takich grajkow to ja lubie <3 ! good luck :)
Well that was a complete waste of time...
really? we played awesome 4 maps which were really close, and how can you say that was a waste of time? I think it was best ET match since months.
get 6th with proper connection

get 6th with proper connection

Are you a retard or something? he played 4 maps without lag what-so-ever, just because he had one unlucky moment where his net went down makes it unstable connection? I'm sure half of the people who use the internet has had their net go down at least once or twice, He was just unlucky it happened in a grand final
get 6th with proper connection

get 6th with proper connection

yep and the best defuse from uk eng on supply also :)
the 5sec koop idd ...was quite amazing
no it was a complete waste of time
i just developed cancer

was awesome though, been a while since a hard game

just to clarify the last match will be played sunday, grush + supply and radar (if needed)
we wanted to win at least one map to give u guys some challenge :D turned out we can really play well when noone whines and everyone is motivated. looking forward to the 2nd full final on sunday!
agreed ;)
to kto wygral wkoncu bo przez problemy z netem nie ogladalem?
I don't get this flame towards Poland, nobody knew this would happen, it was not like it was planned for dialer to leave on the last map. we watched 4 awesome maps with great shoutcasters and all you can comment on is the last moment where dialer's connection failed? talk about ungrateful kids.
i agree. i watched the game and all what i saw in the chat was 'polish trash, polish trash, 3rd world, country of an idiots'. guys which wrote shit like that should go bace to a caves. i wish them little respect for others, whatever from where. its a fking game it should connect ppl and give enjoy the fuck!
Which can describe et these days more, than NC final being 3x Supply+Grush :D? But yeah in my opinion polaks already won !
Sorry, but I am not willing to "possibly win" without their main lineup, especially when they had just beat us on 3 of the 4 maps. That was also the main reason for requesting SD and GR again, I want to win the maps they beat us on to prove we are the best otherwise we arent worthy "champions". Im not going to turn up to play one map on another day either, so i think 90% will agree that the decision to play SD/GR again is the best option for the players and the fans.
[00:45:59] <@fanatic> we polay 2nd game on sunday
[00:45:59] <@[CB]ohurcool> and there isn't
[00:46:04] <@[CB]ohurcool> no
[00:46:06] <@[CB]ohurcool> you play radar on sunday
To me, it doesnt matter what CB put on their page for the "winners". As long as the players and viewers know I am happy :-)
we will play sd/gold anyway!!!
Who knows - maybe radar will be needed as a decider anyway! :-)
Thanks for agreeing to move it to Sunday! I think you do understand that dialer is our most essential player as a team-leader and stuff and it's hard to play without him, especially in such an important game. Cheers and see you on Sunday evening! 8)
np - i only want to win/lose against ur main lineup, otherwise there is no point in playing. See you Sunday :-)
nice stuff here I see. respect
why dont u prove that in other 2 maps? >There is a ton of maps and yet you guys pick supply and grush again lol, I mean no wonder they play supply all day in pubs
I don't usually get involved with this type of nonsense, however I think you're reasonable so will accept what I have to say. After thinking about this situation for some time, I have to say they're right this time. The main reasons for this are actually for your own reasoning against their decision.

You say "To me, it doesnt matter what CB put on their page for the "winners"". However you would not say that if you won the maps you previously lost, where PL would have won instead of the UK. The only fair way would be if the maps had the exact same results as already played, in which case there would be no complaint about the results. Any alteration to these results and the UK would likely have the advantage, this is not fair and I think you know that.

The maps played were flawless, no one had a connection issue, ergo there is no reason to replay this, especially if this causes an advantage/disadvantage for one side.
One of the best games in months and poland deserved to win
You have € 115 on UK
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.

Yu fail me UK
Wasnt uk's fault tho
dat match
best since month
Should be 6:2 on gtv, nerds...
its only to show that PL need to win twice to win. score is actually a draw
It's like two teams battling for a double sided dildo.

You know it's bad when the actual players have to say it was the best game in months especially when that means fuck all. Anyway both teams suck and it's a dire state of et:/ I don't even know a couple of the polish players and even only know some of the others cos they reply in all my journals and comments everywhere. It is funny for uk to struggle though especially with all the prac they have put in this and last season.

Stay mad.
You never cease to amaze me. In a negative way, sorry.
Iwould fighted really hardly too for a double dildo :p, but Kamz , youre right . This game is old and this NC is probably the worst, but it's normal. No price for a NC.. ,, a lot of player had left this game , and, there is less match than 4 years ago, the currents bests teams practices less, so the lvl had droped ....
Sry for my english i'm a frog now ;p . I don't use google trad , perhaps i would try it haha .
np, you are right
Go to 49:45
You're watching pldialar.
Trying to shoot gbmed1xza TRUE A WALL.

But ok, he probably accidentally pressed +attack.
ban him
the wall is true

e: lol watched it, nothing suspicious here xD
Just fuck off already
uk sqZz: "Weslann, u ugly ginger cunt"
close one
I znowu TP zamknelo ryja wszystkim krzykaczom. Juz na bank widze tu wieska, wrobla, jak dawaja sobie rade z uk :XD Smiechowe.
jeszcze rok temu sam byś był jednym z tych krzykaczy , bo na twoim jaymodzie znano tylko wieska wróbla i fragstealera :XD
Zamknij morde kurtyzano :(
Przygotuj się na panishment, twoja matka zobaczyła ten komentarz wychodząc z pod biurka.
Nie ma to jak 2 grubasy Jadace po sobie od rana ^^
lol drama xd nerds