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List of requestees on 09.05.12 20:27
Did there not used to be a feature where you could see the names of all the people that requested a match? Why was that removed.. :\

ro Stary
Privacy reasons?
nl lowbot
Click on live
Not talking about live. There was something when you clicked on a match, it would tell you all the people that requested that match on demand. Live doesn't show you history.
de skooli
such a thing never existed
fr Rashomon
Stop trying to stalk razz fucking nerd
gb msh100
Quote by skoolisuch a thing never existed

Are you sure? I can remember this too ... not a list, but it showed in logs
de skooli
yeah, of course its in the logs, but it was never publicly exposed
i remember seeing all the names.. maybe i had some kind of admin or something then :D

nvm, nice to see that imo anyways, don't see the harm in it?
pl Yoddha
i remember it, but you needed to be the one that requested match to see who did request a replay later
nl h3ll
why would you even want/need that?
why not? it's interesting to see who watched your matches
nl h3ll
ye you probably have your reasons behind that indeed ;)
KAMZ deleted his own post (20.05.12 22:48)
lol always thinking the worst! what could i possibly want to do :P i haven't played this game in over 8 months with the exception of one week at xmas
nl h3ll
Quote by KAMZlol always thinking the worst! what could i possibly want to do :P i haven't played this game in over 8 months with the exception of one week at xmas

not sure xD pointing at ppl of who(m?) you know that they watched it would actually be quite stupid xD
ok :(

i still think it'd be good, for me anyway as a former player, i would be interested in seeing who watched me play, etc
gb Kenzi
Noone watches you, noob :S
gb msh100
A bit late, but skooli, I am SURE you're wrong ....
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