Belgium vs Finland (20799 views)

be Jere
be SuP3R
be uNDEAd
be chry
be mAus
fi Stuka
fi olBaa
fi Sample
fi Squall

CB NationsCup XIV - Playoffs: Upper Bracket Final
28.03.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Jere (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 211623
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de Teamoxid Shoutcast \w eujen
By: eujeN
Listen to eujeN
Language: English

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 103

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 703


omg first omg
mAus ?:)
mAus is overrated
gl mAus :)
cooos ty, ty jestes lepszy
a bit but you would lie if you say he isnt good :D

OMG mAus?????
mAus for real. better pull through.

Tosspot might kill someone after this match.
finland > *
6o6 ;))
2 stars? :(
hahahahahahahahah, co w tym smiesznego :|
hahahahahaa, no wiesz! KURWA mAus!... w sumie to nie wiem...
mAus will roll them
If mAus play, I cut one of my 2 balls
Ok je retiens et je ne manquerai pas de te le rappeler si c est pas le cas :D
Et tu es?
et toi tu es qui?
Ca t'intéresse tant que ça?
Et merde un fanboy -___- j'en avais pas vu que je suis pas connu... Merci =)
gl olBaa & Squall <3
be mAus play? a Avril fish lol
april fool
"a avril fish" mdrrrr xDDD T'es trop bon Fab :DDDD
suis du sud :) faut pas l'oublier chez nous la seule langue étrangère c'est le marseillais hahaha
On parle mieux occitan qu'anglais chez nous :D
tu mérites de la e-fame toi! :{D
hhahahahaha google translate fail =DD
no no google translate it's my translate South French (Marseille speak :p)
The Marseillais Speak = new language on the world lol
mAus playing only when it gets interesting... what a teamplayer
If Belgium loses mAus is the one to blame.
mAus cannot beat FIN on his own. dont act like a single player could handle FIN easily - the fins all are very strong players.
Google translator ;>?
like kot

poland vs uk
went better without mAus :o
gl jere, mAus & olbaa <3
You have € 50 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 458.5

Gl be <3
Bye bye belgium =).
omg omg tu arrives un peu a te connecter par ici toi lol
You have € 100 on be BEL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 957

gl mAus
GL Both teams.
GL BE <3
and grand final will be these 2 countrys again imo
You have € 100 on BEL
Possible win: € 869

gogo belgium :D this is all my money i got left
say goodbye to it now then :)
gl mAus <3 bro
I had exactly 111 gbooky money, it's god telling me to trust great men like super and undead . All on you buddies.
You have € 2535 on BEL
Possible win: € 7326.15

gogo daviiiiiid :DDDD
gl Jere, Kevin, Ensam and chry!
If this isn't worth 3 stars then i'm the fucking pope^^
looks like Belgium brought mAus in specially to deal with the fins ;p
Can someone PLZ explain to me how the hell this match has the same number of stars than NE. vs. rblood. Thanx
surely they will get more than 380 viewers?
rating can change during the game. also pointing out that start rating is based on average viewer count and NE has it high
GL belgians and stuka!
fin will . . .
It's 5sterns worth....
eujen say: super Jere?!, gl Jere/mAus.
Would be cool if this was 6on6 :)
yes but it's not :(
wah mAus is here, it must be a great match. Gl belgium :)
gl olba & co
Best of luck Belgium!
good luck
be mAus & be CHRY
Finland<3 Dont let me down! ;)
Gl olBaa
GL belgium !
Gl Winland
mAus welcom back. gl and hf
Englishman failing @ own language
GL Belgium <3
gl bel
yO HF yO
lepari doc run ?
would be epic to see that again :D
lEpArI woNt PlAY
from what ive heard there was a miscommunication between the dutch and french players on vent :p
pretty obvious imo, he can just run through, no1 even dieing, showing up
is this something tournament on game? and finland wins it! i,know why finland winned this because finland is woldest best world ever!
quote from youtube? :{D
gl Rollba , Sampel , Squall , Jere
GL mAus! You're my idol. :)
Finland troll Belgian :D
GL Belgium!!!
gl mAus, hf Finland
mAus is overrated , FIN EAZY!
jere undead mAus
and eujen shoutcasting, gonna be gg to watch/listen
10 Euro na Belgów , mało tracę a możliwosc wygranej to 60
Go go go Maus
This will be grand final, fo shizzle!
gl Team Belgium

HF mAus! :)
You have € 30 on fi FIN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 36 ;x
Belgium gonna take it :D
gl belgium!!!
go stuka boy & nuclear kevin. Try not to be the lowest bitch !
omg mAus omg
omg mAus ;s
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice match <3
mAus is certanly a help against this finland who is stronger on aim ground. eventho he's the best aimer in this game, he'll not be able to hold team fin on his own. and that's why the 4 other players (who are all great players aswell) and mAus will have to play like a team. The chances are slightly in the advantage of the Fins ( because of they aiming superority) but Belgium showed pretty good teamplay the last games and hopefully it even increased within the period they had to pracc hard and go pro.
Hope to see a great game with a 4-2 win of the Belgians.

Komaan eh manne!!
nice analyzation
well if that's not a troll. I thank you. :)
I think i wrote that no? :p
with maus they will take it 4-2
You have € 500 on be BEL Cancel bet
You will win: € 2880
too bad the outcome is too expectable :/
I wouldn't say the outcome is too expectable. FIN may have the odds in their favour (wich is of course comprehensible) but to much confidence can lead to loss. According to the latest wars i would think like you because FIN indeed destroyed (if i may tell it like this) all her opponents without further difficulties. But this is a final (wb tho) and finals are not the same as group matches nor as play-offs. I would compare it to a championsleague final. The game is mostly winned because of 1 or 2 decisive actions. A lucky 2 man full kill on adlernest for example and it's 3vs5. mostly the game is decided then (unless another of these decisive actions takes place and a player does a 3/4 man/full team kill) and the map is won. radar: a cover slips thourgh and takes the west radar parts (imo the hardest obj to get) and you will set a time far beeyond the normal time since the cp radar part is the easiest one to get.
My conclusion is that we'll certanly have a vey strong FIN who certanly will be superior but watch out, cuz a game is never finished, before it's been played. Surprises may happen.
nice troll
Using 'big' English words while failing on the basic grammar

great succes!
where are the "big" english words. all typed in the same size.
Criticising someone's grammar using bad grammar. Not so great.
I have won every official I played with Team Belgium so far, this statistic will not change tonight.
let me announce team belgium lineup for tonight:

be Jere
be SuP3R
be uNDEAd
be chry
be mAus

i am sorry, but i guess fin will win... :/

but GL to you and maus :)

you so smart pumubro
I was mercing there, was not a part of team BE, wouldn't count anyway since the argument has been brought forward by a retard.
Cap counts mongol, stop using excuses to glance your ego , idiot
You mad, get a life ;)
Why should I be mad, just stop acting like you're god by telling nonsense, I again proved you wrong , take it like a man

Let's tell de Sutter tonight that if he plays the cap doesn't count cause he was "mercing" for Lukaku
No, you're just mad & pathetic, thanks for trying though.
Same goes for me, guess we're just too awesome
gogo mAusi
needs a tosspot
What Need TosspoT ??

eujeN will do just fine,

He is the new TosspoT :p

And Gl Belgium mate's
belgium will win if Jere doesn't fuck up. DONT FUCK UP JERE

no pressure though
I fucked up :(
nah i was watching you had some pretty epic moments. wp fintards got lucky on gr is all
not lucky imo, we made a few mistakes who cost us the game

and I really wasn't so sick as you say ^^
as everyone said the game would have been different if you all had spawned back instead of at tank, but that tank repair was luck to me. but we all have our point of views :D

despite the fulls you did well so dont beat yourself up for it. at one point it looked as if mAus just didn't want to play anymore so blame him. :D
sup3r in nc final

gl ;)
gl jere chry olbaa ;)
gl both
come on mAus pls roll fintards !
if blegium win, i will buy them 6 Bush beers
Good luck Belgium. Both teams are fockin nice, plz fin stop winning :D
dnt rape them Fintard's to hard!

after the fantastic match versus austria @ football i bet on belgium h3h3
You have € 2000 on BEL
Possible win: € 11460

winning no matter whats the result!
LeFrancis would love shoutcasting such epic games but unfortunately can't anymore. D}:
Anyway, have fun lads.
You have € 890 on fi FIN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1068
not gonna make it too stream , too laggy
maus will suck imo, no pratice no win
it's mAus, he doesn't need practise.
score atm ?
2-0 fin
fock. ty
i know :( i bet on bel. supply they got shit on...

wtf, is finland raping us ?
luck is luck
tu peux pas parler français vieux :D
Il m'reconnait pas ce carolo :p
si si mephi :X idiot de fundp
attention c'est le pro des cartes campus qui parle :P

Yea :D what's 3rd map ?
2-2 now.
supply - fin
radar - bel

3rd= grush..

4-2 fin imo.
is it a bird, is it a animal, noo it is maus :p
gg wp
Hello :)
fucking close game !
so fkin close goddamnit :(
hahahahaha fucking maus
Unlucky for Belgium, not deserved the loss.
mAus emo quit :DDD
Member Since

30th December 2010

performed well be :(
aaahhh jammer :(
congrats fin, wp

bel shouldnt have wasted 3 mins with tank there ffs
U mad?
he so mad
less then a polak XD
Quotebexkl Monday, 28th March 2011 23:46
i'm sure it will be not the same on lan.
you know in fin only 2 guys are lanproof.

close one
You have € 113 on be BEL
You lost

thanks Finland
altijd weer die finne he;p
hope we will face them again in a sensational final
gg, good match, maus nice headshots, fin nice teamplay.
fin nice teamplay ? :XDD
Get off his dick
Actually closer then i thought it would be.
das ne zure! :(
Jammer van die tank.
maarja, ge ziet ze toch were in de grote finale dan ^^
(gwn effe die engelsen deruit sjotten)

Een beetje meer pracc en tzal ok zijn?
mAus the best!!!!!
wp fin nice war ;)

btw , mAus turn on your mic next time -,- :D
gr was lucky for fin
finland winning because they lucked and spawned on top of belgium on gr when they got tank :PP
consequence: be lost everything and fin could plant mines and spawnkill
could have gone either way without that.
they fucked up, nothing to do with luck
turhaa replyyt noille, ei ne kuitenkaan haluu uskoa / tajuta kun pallojaha ne on ^-^
I knew you would reply to this with something like that.
Yeah they fucked up, and yes you guys played well.

But it could have gone either way. And if you didn't spawn right after them at tank spawn (if you took tank half a sec later) or if they would have chosen to take the safe route and spawn back, it would have been a different game. Just 2 guys spawning back could even have made the difference, I don't know what they were thinking, but with abit of luck it could have turned out good for them.

Bad decision aside, it was sort of unlucky for them that you "stole" tank right in time to spawn there.
i agree that them spawning back was huge help for us, still wouldnt call it good luck for us or bad for them since they get to choose their spawnpoint. simple mistake.
true, you need to know when to let go of a stage :(
imo belgium won radar by luck, sup?
neither radar nor gold was lucky imo, where did we luck on radar in your opinion?
Luck is a part of the game. That's all guys :)
WP, see you for the finale! (be vs fin again)
i was being sarcastic. there was no luck in this game
What Ding said. I'm not trying to diss you. Great players make their own luck. But I'm just saying that the decision to spawn at tank could have been a better one if they werent so unlucky to get an allied spawn in their back.

fix the request, it wont give an ip when i request, also other friends tried and same prob..
blame maus xD
lucky spawn wins the game
You won € 1.26
Thanks Finland.
boys making me proud ;') <3
thanks fins:)
Request doesnt give any ip.
I dont get how poeple can see luck in this game?
Belgium fucked up by not spawning back on goldrush and Finland just fucked up radar (or Belgium raped there, have it your way)
Yeah because that decision would have been criticised by anyone if fin had taken the tank a millisecond later. Afaik, that is one hell of an unlucky break for Belgium. Anyways, their bank defense should have been better aswell, but was hard to set up because of that 28 sec spawn they all got. (and jere only taking fulls after that :P)
They were like 2 seconds too late, I was completely suprised to see them spawn up front, for me it was obvious to spawn back, and I'm quite sure all the belgians that played will say the same now.
But its always easier to judge situations from a spectators view.
Spawning back is ALWAYS a better option in those close calls when u have a decent time wich they had (especially after holding the tank for like 3 mins.

2 seconds, too late when judging from a "repaired the tank" pov. A millisecond when judging from "they have stolen the tank" and are spawning there pov :p
Not saying it was a good choice, just bad luck that it turned out like it did
How fast do u expect them to destroy the tank without a shitload of mines?

The nades were way too late, no way they could destroy it in time and there were a shitload of fins at their spawn so killing them all wasnt an option either

spawning back was the only safe option, no luck involved here
Am I talking about destroying the tank before they capture that spawn? I'm talking about fin capturing the spawn so that both spawned there within 2 seconds of eachother
belgium also unlucky as allies in goldrush when the tank just wasn't far enough to destroy the bank and fins could use the ugly tank :(
Fin did a great job damaging the tank over and over again, and when it was at the right spot for them, they left it unharmed, nothing lucky about that.