Belgium vs Poland (30027 views)

be Jere
be chry
be mAus
be dAv1d
be PlAyer
be lio
pl dialer
pl fanatic
pl Frag'Stealer
pl hunter
pl Krein
pl zMk

CB NationsCup XV
Playoffs: Upper Bracket Semi Finals
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: szczurek (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 438308
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Listener Peak: 145

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By: aiRen
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Viewer Peak: 78

Enemy Territory TV

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Viewer Peak: 612

Overall Viewerpeak: 690


No to chyba polska zegna sie z NC
po pierwsze primo:to jest WB wiec nawet jak ujebia to graja przynajmniej 1 mecz LB
po drugie primo:beltardy chuja trenuja tak samo jak i nasi wiec chuj wie co z tego wyjdzie
po trzecie primo-ultimo:jestes cwelem
Tosspot we gonna get you
Jestem cwelem? No sory jebany nalesniku, ale ja mam zeby, a nie kolki drewniane, i nie robie z siebie posmiewiska internetu. Wiec proponuje albo wystrzelic sie z procy w kosmos, albo zajac sie czyms bardziej przyszlosciowym, niz sledzeniem subakow w CB czy innych tardow.

PS: Kiedy e-wesele andrucie?
subaki samo CB sledzi (ewentualnie zaaba) a e-wesele to sam mozesz sobie robic z pixlem
po pierwsze primo to pisze sie "z pixelem" po drugie primo to chyba nie wiesz co piszesz bo ci wlosy spod pach monitor zaslania a po drugie to idz kurwa wysylac serduszka czikicie na mircu. PEJS
pixel mad
"piszesz bo ci wlosy spod pach monitor zaslania" hahahahaha mistrz
teraz to rozjebales konkretnie haha
ja pierdole znowu ty?,ja pierdole bez kitu ty nie masz zycia,wez wypierdalaj na skype cyber sex kurwo jebaan z czikita swoja,a nie tutaj bedziesz pierdolil kocopoly ,jebany cymbale
co wy macie wszyscy z tym cybersexem? nie mozecie ogarnac, ze nie my mieszkamy razem? :D
no,chuj ci ryj jebany kasztanie,musisz miec ladnie napierdolone w tym zjebanym deklu,i naprawde musisz miec zjebany ryj aby szukac dziewczyn w grach , pierdolony matol
nie szukalem, tak wyszlo
o chuj wam chodzi, zajmijcie sie soba
no fajnie spierdalaj
po pierwsze, primo : przyszliscie tu do pracy
po drugie, primo : w tych kartonach sa fajerwerki warte 30.000 dolarow uesa
a po trzecie,primo-ultimo : Nikt nie otwiera tych drzwi.
a kto to jest rambo?
nie twoja sprawa.... bambo!
no chociaz jeden ogarnal
skad ty pajacu wiesz czy oni trenuja?:D
bo znam od lat ich kapitana i mam info :XD
ta ,ma cie pewnie za takiego samego plebsa jak my polacy i Ci gowno prawde mowi;d
a ty kur4wa kim jestes? brudasie pierdolony? umyj wlosy i zeby kurwo
oho jakies mad, dawno klanu chyba nie zmieniales
owszem ale zeby myje codziennie , ty chyba zapominasz czesto
na miejscu robacka bym powiedzial ze to kolory w aparacie tak zrobily go na brzydko XD

w sumie moj ojciec ma na imie Rafal... KURWA! TO WSZYSTKO TLUMACZY!
gl polska
gona be a nice match :)
hf both
lol2 gl mAus,zMk
izi for fanatic
gl pl :)
shizzle out Super / unded / ali in
Lowest NC ever. Seriously.

Where are all the bF guys? They're all fricking geeks (-undead) and online everyday.

Krein, hunter and fanatic are awful players, is there really nobody else?
there is kamz... oh wait.
0/10, your good days are over kamz
i'm serious, i could probably play on this shit laptop and still be better than those polish players i mentioned ;/
we moved on mate, Real life hit us hard. (& LoL)
*no kevin neither



its ok I still support you
Cmon belgium :)
gl fanatic
sup with undead?
need undead & worm!!
You have € 544 on pl POL
Possible win: € 1773.44

Good Match
go kurwa :D gli
Maus sam meczu nie wygra. Powodzenia Polska
player you cock
zMk vs Jere :)
mAus (sam meczu nie wygra) vs Frag'Stealer :)
Run doc fanatic vs rest beltards ^_^

Moze byc ciekawy meczyk..zeby szczescie nas nie opuscilo :)
GL^HF PROland :D:D:D
frag lami ostatnio
co ty nie powiesz kurwa?
a zdania bez twojej matki nie moglbys napisac?
mAus vs Frag'Stealer...PLZ BITCH...MAUS VS dialer, fanatic, frag, hunter, krein, zmk
u wszystkich spokoj a w PL flejm

GL diAler
bardzo fajny mecz, powodzenia chlopaki!
skad wiesz jak jeszcze sie nie odbyl ?
gl chłopaki powodzenia! mam nadzieje, że jutro szczęście Nam dopisze :))
Polecam swoj komentarz z meczu Holandia - Polska. Bawcie sie dobrze internetowi krzykacze.
gl Belgium
Go Poland !
a ja podtrzymuje swoja opinie i tak predzej czy pozniej zrobia posmiewisko z siebie : D

funny thing is the winner of this game is top3, would be great for Belgium if you look at their pracs & devotion for this NC. another cool thing is that either Finland or Germany will not have a pocal =)

How about this Kamzz?
Howcome? Fin can still win gold m8. By losing to UK they just get easier oppos now.
yes but read again what I said!
What do you want me to say about that :o

It's Germany's fault for picking lineup based on names and ignoring the whole balance of 6v6 (good they finally added stownage). I have no idea what's up with Finland, didn't watch game still but it's not the same team like when I was captain for UK for example (Ensam, Sample, olbaa, squall, matias, lepari) but twidi is a decent 6v6 player. Belgium lineup had somebody else in it before I am sure (chizzel?) but it's not bad I guess and good to see david in there, always liked him. However, I've never seen worst Polish and NL lineups before (not their fault I suppose).

All in all, in terms of the lineups. It is the least skilled NC in the history of ET.

I have no idea if what I just said, was relevant to your point if I am honest. ":_D"
sh1zzle*, uk strongest line-up since the removal of kamz :)
cool story bro
gl Polska
hf Jere, d4v1d, mAus

Manager:fanatic (Leagueadmin) - wygramy NC :D
where is syL?
indd i want fatass syL in this belgium line-up thank you!
Haha I expected some more people to reply!! I was only joking haven't seen him for aaaaages now :P
porównaj jego formę do tej sprzed roku
gl lads! hope worm plays
gl PlAyer , worm chry fostruMM & dialer ! ;)
You have € 509 on BEL
Possible win: € 2483.92 ALL ON mAus!
gonna shoutcast
LOL, would listen to you over somebody screaming about nothing anyday!
I'll flame razz a bit here and there
gl chizz6l

dialow too
gl & hf
gl polaczki
izi for belgian
Gl polska :D i tak dostaniecie :D cooo ...... zawsze sie pobije haj :D
niestety nie bd mial okazji obejrzec tego meczu :<
kurwa az sie zalogowalem, KOGO TO OBCHODZI AHAHAHAH xD
with worm BE will win! :)
no wiesiek no win:P
gl crook
wanna see:
be Worm
be mAus
be Jere
be chry
be undead
be david/player
why fostruM out ?
u mean wanna
Love player. Top guy. But rather see Kevin there and should be Worm/Kevin not david.
gl zmk,maus,frag's,fostrum
gl krein
bedziemy grac w komputer ;)
gl guys !
izi for mAus .. GL mAus , Jere , PlAyeR :-))
G belgium!
wtf @ odds
is be mAus playing?

since no be uNDEAd it would b nice to see even 1 good aimer from be :/
Mr Ganon 1337
Mr mAus 2006
Mr zeto 2006
Mr Snot 2006
Mr Lioco 2006
Mr David 2006

V'S Wrobel, wiesiek, kot, wiaderko, dialer, S4rna
I miss this kind of line up...
zeto* wiadro aka wiaderko*
not aka ;d just wiaderko
Swiftkey X FTW! :D I spend like 15min to write this because it's always correcting me!
krein rozjebie wszystkich, potwierdzone info
jestes gimbusem potwierdzone info :D
chujowy zart, potwierdzone info
last second the odds will change ofc
Belgium vs Poland (3559 views)

This game is alive !
gl bel
will there be a stream?
owzo gonna stream i guess :)
need a nice stream ! airen !?
Why asking? You don't have ET installed? :S
at uni, but nvm.. some mates came so no way i was gonna watch it :D

on way home now!
gl jere & david!
the game is already 4th at top gbooky matches hohoho gl
now waiting for 4th viewers peak :)
Powodzenia Polacy. Napierdalac srutem w helmy!
Though this is the first Polish NC team I dont rly like I wish GL for you, and also alle urwal alle poszlo! GL
hf BEL!
Pending Money 220000 €

Open bets: 1

I see what Sale did there
6th is TBA
You have € 8000 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 17520 gl!
All on BE
You have € 40 on BEL
Possible win: € 73.6

Wie gaater nu spelen voor be ?
time to bet on poland
You have € 500 on BEL
Possible win: € 905
cmon mAus
Tak držim palce at vyhraješ ;)
NO NO tylko zeby wszystko poszlo dobrze dla polski moze to nie takie skillowce ale aima i braina maja :)
Good Luck teams :D
no stream again?
what password is to stream ?
LIO :)
Owzo off :(
Stream will be up in 5 minutes :)
2:0 PL
great more than 600 specs again! needle inside already?
what a shit game, enjoy watching your pauses yourself
can the obs




UP? (beside owzo)
+1. rito and airen fucking annoying! "LOOK AT ME MOM! WE RE CHILLIN ON LIVE LOOOL"

thats bad... :D
>> fanatic: stfu specs plx

<3 thx u...
pl unhits win!
dzieki Kamil & Hunter <3
jak juz pixel chcesz im dupe lizac to hunter to jest kuba
zamknij ty juz morde funny to ty nie jestes
funny nie byles jak go wyzywales a teraz prosze prosze : XD
You have € 1000 on POL
You won € 1740
shittiest performance from team BE i've ever seen...

anyways, let's move on
Lowest match ever...
You have € 220000 on pl POL
You won € 382800

thanks boys
a dissapointment
Swietny mecz chlopaki :D
You have € 250 on POL
You won € 435
zMk <3
You have € 50000 on be BEL
You lost

wp mAus
sup with Jere's net?
hunter :O!
a to skurwiele jak nakurwiaja :DD
huhu do zera
nice :)
should have replaced jere after the first moment of lag

WP PL tho!
WP gg uk VS pl :)))

hunter 9 kills without dead on grush <3.
no mAus no win
oh wait... :D
no prac no win
Good Game !
BE :(
tak jest kurwa :D 4;0 GG
gg wp!
polaks using software for being unhit, the only possible explanation, same as in the game vs NED
wp PL, nice truck holds

Dobra robota panowie:D
Good Game!
polaks unhit :(
Poland top3

ppl gonna be mad
no al1 no win
musze przyznac ze jestem pod wielkim wrazeniem gry zawodnika o nicku fanatic.. gg wp
jaki kurwa debil,najogrzej zagral a ty mu dupe lizesz jebany imbecylu:XD,

zMk gg wp
nie lize mu zadnej dupy, tylko stwierdzam fakty na podstawie obejrzeniu calego dzisiejszego meczu i nie spodziewalem sie ze tyle moze dac zespolowi w takim meczu na takim poziomie a z drugiej strony sklej pizde bo nawet nie wiem kim jestes i nie pisz do mnie wiecej.
kurwa,chlopie pierdole ta gre zjebancu pierdolony.Nie jestem jebany balwanem jak ty co siedzi i nakurwia jak pojebany,cymbale jebany,wiec umyj zgryz i wypierdalaj spac,bo jutro do szkoly
nie wiem dlaczego fanatic niby najgorzej zagral, wszyscy grali dobrze, bez wiekszych wpadek a zmk z hunterem mieli naprawde dobry mecz i tyle :P
co do zMk, on zawsze byl zajebisty wiec niewiem oco wogole to xD
podnoszenie - chociazby ostatnie kilka minut na supply, doktorat z medycyny na start powinien dostac
you need polak ISP or... some software to block their exploits
gg to not let play another rifler :P
I asked if there was someone to replace me, but there wasn't apparently
[22:32:57] • Quit: (xAv_) ( (Signed off)
very very good job PL
hunter 20k at 2 maps
Hunter > mAus
PL happy with a victory over a unactive, 5on6 BE side! gratz
lol at hunter, obvious cheats because i used to rape him every time i played vs him
I really wonder what happened to you:XD
real life hit me hard
then why all of these comments XD
what are you doing here if it hit you hard
well im not that busy to the point where i cant take out 10 min out of time to check out a gaming website :ss?

and 10 mins? jew plz everytime I check gamestv I see new comments of you so shut up parrot
damn, that was some real ownage
it didnt hit you hard
next time dont accept to play against polaks on the server choosen by a polak
u shouldn even speak u dirty gypsy
u shouldn even speak u dirty cheater
i know that feel bro
obvious that only a baned jurk may defend team poland
im not defendin anyone, just hate roms
so hate it, be my guest
LOL, gypsy flaming poles.
gipsy kings romanian or spanish ?
My mom forbids me to talk with scally gypsies, specially when they make no sense, I'm already risking a slap, do go on if you want tho.
you deserve a slap, not for talking with gipsyes, but for being idiot [12:09]: sorry for ppls whining on us typing its just we r talkative persons
You have € 10547 on be BEL
You lost
Anyone have cb nationscup all time statistics? Like most wins second&third places. Would be great to know
GER < all all you have to know
You're saying your country is worse than all?
well.. that was pretty bad
aiRen [2:57]: Blame his ping

WTF....PL won from BE ?! ... srsly ,... im quitting et
Member Since 21st November 2011

so your few months journey is over, bibuyy
My jorney was enough to see how retarded ppl are there
Viewer Peak: 612

Pretty nais! And wp poland... unexpected. :E
must be all those mini drafts with drunk british people lately, instant skillboost!
haha :D mini because of certain people ragequitting
even 690 if you add stream viewers
+ 78 from stream! :P
You have € 150 on BEL
You lost

a i tak sie ciesze :D
ty judaszu ! SPRZEDALES SIE !
wow hunter *_* :D
need the old belgium line up !
gg, wp def at SD2 :)
ahaha faggots
well to be honest the whole team of belgium is inactive and jere lagging so the win for poland is not that unexpected :p
oke, like we re active ;))
ye like you guys are not :DD
yes your team is smartass pawel
A bird told me that Salaneuvos was responsible for Jere´s probs .......
hehe by whole you mean lio? ;p
Not really, Gifted had to try really hard to actually get 6 players :)
That's why teams shoudn't have been made by picking players just because of the name in the scene.. 2012 best players atm aren't those one..
You have € 500 on BEL
You lost
who is that hunter
you're new to ET aren't you?
oh man u can't see the troll. i'm disappointed.
nice :DD
GG zMk ^^ POLSKA!!
needs more sup3r pls
Panowie po kielichu I NA ANGLIE!
schande ^^